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"Candace, I know you're going to plan a wonderful wedding, especially with Phineas and Ferb helping."
Aunt Tiana[src]

The wedding of Bob and Tiana is a marriage ceremony held by Phineas and Ferb at Candace's command for their Uncle Bob and Aunt Tiana.


The Flynn-Fletchers are looking at a book containing pictures of Bob and Tiana's many adventures. Curious, Phineas asks them about their next destination, which they reply is the Galápagos. Seizing the chance, Bob proposes to Tiana, with Linda suggesting to hold the wedding in the archipelago. Objecting to it, Candace reminds her aunt of their promise to have her as the bridesmaid, taking it further by offering to plan the ceremony herself. At their relative's word, Phineas and Ferb agree to aid in the setup.

Candace begins to call places in search of proper elements for the celebration, instructing her siblings to do the grand entrance in the meantime. While she sorts out her clients, the boys organize a parachute diving for the couple, only to have their task promptly switched by the chief planner. Some time later, the brothers present the flowers to their stressed sister, who is shocked to learn are actually Venus flytraps. Misunderstanding their intention, Candace orders them to concoct an old-fashioned ice item.

When the cake arrives, Candace's excitement quickly turns into anguish from the messy dessert. Her appearance ruined, she turns to the kids' ice sculpture, depressingly bringing her mother and aunt to see it. Tiana is delighted to witness an adventurous party setting, thanking her niece for doing it. Shortly before the wedding, the snow carving is externally melted into simple statues, confusing the bride. Nevertheless, the boys proceed with the celebration, officiating it by relating the journey that is marriage ("Candace's Big Day").


The wedding of Bob and Tiana is an adventure-themed commemoration featuring a white heart-filled corridor with a gold outline; an altar with a gray base, a gold floor, a beige curtain, five rose bushes, six candles, a book stand, and an ice model of the couple; two pink hearts reading "Bob & Tiana" hiding the groom, diverse sculptures representing the pair's voyages, and a chicken multi-layered cake.


The wedding of Bob and Tiana has three segments; the bride's reception in the backyard's entrance, the groom's reveal within the altar, and the actual ceremony afterwards. Being a private wedding, attendance is limited to family members, with friends of theirs providing performances during the musical number.

Background Information[]

  • The three endeavors detailed by Tiana in the photo album showcase are the inspirations for Phineas and Ferb's parts of the wedding; jumping out of a helicopter into the South American rainforest, dodging man-eating plants, and climbing the icy peaks of Mount Kilimanjaro.
  • Accepting the marriage proposal, Tiana says "Okay!" in much the same manner her partner usually does.
  • Reminding her family about the bridesmaid compromise, Candace acts selfishly, to Linda's visible indignation. This is likely a reflection of the younger Candace, to whom the promise was made.
  • According to Candace, she had been plotting the celebration for five years, since she was ten years old.
  • In the organization meantime, Linda and Tiana go to the salon, whilst Lawrence stays with Bob.
  • Throughout the planning phase, Candace utters many inventions that could purportedly ruin the wedding, namely:
    • Wedding rocket to the Moon
    • Lawn gnome beach party of taffeta
    • Trampolines
    • Robots
    • Rollercoasters
    • Firework spectaculars
    • Native dancers
    • Running of the wildebeests
    • Giant robot groomsmen
    • Mechanized rice catapults
    • Bringing the Moon down to Earth
  • The unorthodox cake is a result of Candace's chaotic exchanges with the baker and the florist. Its layers, from bottom to top, are:
    • Caged chicken
    • Line of blue seastars and lavender shells
    • Circle of chicken meats
    • Huge crab
    • Slab of meat
    • Encrusting of purple and white flowers
    • Line of yellow bees and purple butterflies
    • Fish skeleton
    • Miniature dolls of the couple at the beach
  • Originally, the ice sculpture is conceived to double as a slide to the altar, but the function is dismissed because of its melting.
  • In the end, Linda inquires of the justice of the peace, as the ceremony cannot be fully authorized without one.


Molecular Scrambler
Big Ideas Next:
Floating Pep Squad Mobile
v - e - dBig Ideas
Season 1
Coolest Coaster Ever | Backyard Beach | Phineas and the Ferb-Tones | 42
The Curse of the Princess Monster | Thumb Wrestling Arena | Remodelling Mount Rushmore | Brobots
Chamber of Invisibility | Microscopic Zoo | Robot Bean & Tea Leaf | Summer All The Time Collection
Cattle Drive | S'Winter | Big Top Cirque | Mummy | Secret Spy Adventure | Perry the Inaction Figure | Bigfoot
Candace Crusher | Shrinking Submarine | Time Machine | Tree House Robots | Grandpa's Dinghy | Chariot Race
Giant Ferris Wheel | Backyard Water Slide | Summer Roller Re-Match | Totally Sick Waterslide of Doom
Conk | Beach Submarine | Medieval Tournament | Escalator to the Moon | World's Largest Bowling Ball
F-Games | Kermillian's Comet | Miniature golf | Teleportation Device | Holy Mackerel | Mariachi tree
Haunted House | Platypus monster | Unpainted Desert | Phineas & Ferb Studios | Team Improbable
Rainbow-inator | Shooting Star Milkshake Bar | Flying Car of the Future, Today | Portal to Mars
Season 2
Nosebud | Animal Translator | Aglet Awareness | Growth elixir | Goldie's Aqueous Extravaganza
Gelatin monster | Big Ben Water Slide | Big and Obvious Ride | Chez Platypus | Platy-posterior | Jump N' Duck
Baseball Launcher | Cute-Tracker | Phineas and Ferb's backyard fort | Paper Pelican | Let's Take a Quiz
Phintastic Ferbulous Car Wash | Platy-Attracker 3000 | Tree Shelter | Shrinking Machine | Boat of Romance
The Baljeatles | X-Ray Glasses | Backyard Spa | Bubble Machine | Shlocko | Ha-Ha-Hut | Mix N' Mingler
Patch Chart | Contraption | Photo-transporter | Ferbalistic Groovatron 9000 | Phineas' Anti-Romance Rocket
Molecular Scrambler | Wedding of Bob and Tiana | Floating Pep Squad Mobile | Niagara Falls replica
Anti-Gravity Fun Launcher | Unification Day Parade | Kiddie Rides | Spinning Tops of Doom
Frozen Yogurt Machine | Robot Bull | Phineas and Ferb's Super Skate Course of Doom | The Beak
Pioneer Town | P&F Lemonade | Aqua Primates | Giant Jump-Roping Robot | Sun-Beater 3000
Holo-Projection Device | Spin Washing | Self-Balancing Monster Unicycle | Giant Maze
Max Modem and the Mainframes | All Terrain Vehicle | World's Tallest Building | Molecular Separator
Sick Day Video Game Backup System | Coolest Coaster Ever | Giant Jukebox
Season 3
Biosphere | Rover | Super Shoes | Balloon Race | Robotic Shark | Moon Farm | Super Computer | Funhouse
Best Phone Ever | Magic Carpet | Hair Style Machines | Bounce House | Worksite Slide | Spring Suction Cup
Stratospheric Ionizer | No Stop Truck Stop | Tour de Ferb | Giant Skiddley Whiffers | Football X-7
Giant Darts | The Tower | Spuds-a-lot | Ferb Latin | 12th Annual Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas
Giant Terracotta Warrior | Excaliferb | Mind Machine | Antius Maximus | Cheesetopia | Perrytronic 3000
Totally Tools Sponsor | Positive Reinforcement Machine | Anti-Gravity Maximus | Ninja Outfits
Warp Trebuchet | Giant Pillow Fight | One-Track Amusement Park | Super Sprinkler | Mom Attractor
Brain Booster | S'Fall | Flying Saucer | Jetpack Volleyball | Mind Flip | State-of-the-Matter Transfer Device
Nanobot Programmer | Highly Unconventional Vehicle | Giant Spring | Squirrel Camp | Blackout Invention
Season 4
Hockey Z-9 | New Year's Ball | Sorbet Machine | Giant Tire Swing | Dental Hygienosphere
Nedlington Nymph | Rutabaga Vehicles | Infinite Probability Generator | Mind Share device
Backyard Hodge Podge | Wading Pool | World's Largest Drop of Water | Dog Sensomatic Helmet
Gordian Knot replica | Rock Climbing Wall | Chupa-Copter | P.H.L.A.S.E.R.
Phineas and Ferb Ultimate Obstacle Course | Pyramid Sports | Bubble Washers | Foam Town
Scrapbook-aganza | Sky Tennis | Ultimate Batting Challenge | Ferb-o-graphic technology
Fletcher Family Flying Circus | Wind Amplification Device | Giant Fireside Girl Puppet | Picnicland
World's Largest Art Piece | Scent Diffuser | Galaxy 5000 | Rubberization Ray | Summer Sports
Dinner Date | Everything Ride | The Buford Van Stomm Time Catapult
Platypult | Remote Control | Murphy's Law Suit | Giant Robotic Clown | Carbonator | Idea-Mashup Machine
Ninja Gloves | Anti-Gravity Ray | Digital Hacker | O.W.C.A. agent beacons