"Okay everyone, let's show everybody what Tri-State unification is all about." — Phineas[src] |
The Unification Day Parade is a parade hosted by Phineas and Ferb to commemorate the anniversary of the Tri-State Area's merger.
Isabella shows up in the backyard, curious about Phineas and Ferb's doings. Revealing their project, the boys spot Baljeet dressed in a samosa costume, intriguing them. Reminding the group of the Unification Day, he clarifies that he is going to be part of an exotic cuisine float, irking Buford, who had been planning to do the same. Revolting against the celebration, the latter sets out to find a new nerd, while the brothers decide to organize a parade.
Later, Buford and a nerd spy on the event, just as the kids begin it. With musical accompaniment by Love Händel, the floats pass through the streets of Danville. A flood purposefully caused by a hydrant nearly hinders the progress, but the boys activate the failsafe device, opening a path underground for the procession to continue the intended route. Not wanting to disappoint, Buford's colleague suggests a policeman dress-up to force a detour.
The second disruption has the floats directed to the junkyard, for which the kids switch on the adequate module for crossing rough terrain. Spiteful, Buford ditches his recent partner in favor of a head-on stopping attempt. At that moment, the balloons are multiplied by an outside ray, levitating the floats. Perplexed, the bully tries to hold onto one, finally recognizing the Tri-State Area for what it is. Aided by Baljeet, he is able to pull off an unforgettable balloon barrage grand finale ("Hip Hip Parade").
The Unification Day Parade is a festival headed by a band march, and people holding "Unify" and "Unity" signs. Four floats are carried by Phineas, the first being a stage for the band with a visual representation of the unification on top; the second having a John P. Trystate puppet atop a forest hill; the third showing a Fireside Girl Isabella puppet next to two symbols of her troop; and the fourth containing figures of Phineas and Ferb. Each platform is held by different balloons; globe, teddy bear, pink flower, and Perry, respectively.
The floats for the Unification Day Parade are implemented with three speakers to amplify the music's loudness, a drill machine to excavate through blocked regions, contractible innings for short spaces, four metal legs in case of treacherous ground, and a frontal carrier to fetch the head procession.
Background Information[]
- Phineas and Ferb's original plan for the day had been to fuse their brain's into Lawrence's laptop so that they could navigate the internet using their cortexes.
- Buford's rebellion is mainly motivated by his familial relation to Otto H. Adjacent, the founder of the Adjacent Area that was united with the Bi-State Area to form the present Tri-State Area.
- The countermeasures to the two interferences in the parade are transmitted through the operation names "Unforeseen Circumstance" and "Thing in Our Way".
- When Buford diverts the procession to the junkyard, he states that its gravitational pull is impossible to escape, subsequently wondering if he is actually thinking about something else. This is an allusion to Jupiter, which has by far the highest gravity among the Solar System's planets.
- During her and Linda's girl's day out, Candace notices her brothers' involvement in the parade's realization, though she attempts to show it to her mother indirectly, as to not invoke the Pharaoh's Curse. Ultimately, she gives in to the urge of getting her parent to view it, only to find the kids towing wagons in the street.
- Realistically, each float would require a much bigger number of balloons to actually rise into the air, since singular items have little lift force.
- The impromptu grand finale is put into effect once Baljeet requests a salesman to release a bunch of balloons into Buford's path, letting the latter slow down his fall enough for him to release the objects upon landing.
- Following his good deed, Buford moves on to do a bad act in order to "balance the universe", referring to his image as a tough person. He then smashes a box of jelly donuts, spilling its red liquid akin to blood onto his friends.
- "Hip Hip Parade" (First appearance)
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