Phineas and Ferb Wiki
Phineas and Ferb Wiki
Phineas and Ferb Wiki

"I didn't even create the Naughty-inator myself because I compulsively obsessively just couldn't be bothered. Now, the plans were mailed to me from Borneo where my uncle Justin is rumored to be in hiding.

— Heinz talking about Justin[src]

Justin Doofenshmirtz is Heinz Doofenshmirtz's uncle, who is rumored to be hiding in Borneo.

Personal Life[]

Heinz mentions that the kit for the Naughty-Inator was sent from Borneo, where Justin is rumored to be in hiding. In actuality, the kit was sent from Barneo, implying the naughty-inator was sent by Santa Claus as part of a plan to give Heinz what he always wanted: the ability to hate Christmas.

Personality and Traits[]

Justin seems to share an evil ambition with his nephew, Heinz Doofenshmirtz. Heinz Doofenshmirtz got a package from Barneo, but he thought it said Borneo, where Justin is rumored to be. Since Justin's location is rumor and he is likely on the run, Justin may be better with his evil ambitions than his nephew, since being on the run means the local authorities are after him, although not enough to make consistent clean getaways.

Skills and Abilities[]

He seems to have an ability to make evil machines, or "inators", just like his nephew.


Background Information[]

  • At the DVD commentary for Attack of the 50 Foot Sister, it was stated the writers originally wanted to use Justin for the smell reference but the producers didn't understand the analogy, so they went with dirty diapers instead.

