Team Improbable is a group of superheroes that starred in a cartoon of the same name produced by Phineas and Ferb using the PF 5000 Animatron at Phineas & Ferb Studios. It premiered to a large crowd in the backyard of the Flynn-Fletcher house.
Team Improbable featured supernatural versions of Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Buford, and Baljeet. They fought a super-villain version of Candace.
Members of Team Improbable[]
- Name: MultiMan
- Alias: Phineas Flynn.
- Super Power: "The power to be everywhere at once."
Ferb Guy[]
- Name: Ferbguy
- Alias: Ferb Fletcher
- Super Power: "Has a utility belt and uses lots of crazy gadgets."
The Rainbow[]
- Name: The Rainbow
- Alias: Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
- Super Power: "Harness the power of rainbows, unicorns, and sweetness to defend all that is good and just."
- Name: Belchman
- Alias: Buford Van Stomm
- Super Power: "Fights crime with different burps."
- Name: HanumanMan
- Alias: Baljeet Tjinder
- Super Power: "A flying blue monkey that can grow as massive as he desires, to crush all in his way!"
Control Freak[]
- Name: Control Freak
- Alias: Candace Flynn
- Super Power: "Use super mind control, and use telepathy, and telekinesis to keep you super-dweebs under control." In the animation, she also becomes fifty-feet tall and shoots beams of energy from her eyes.
- Multiman, Ferbguy, Belchman and HanumanMan's introduction sequences have blue backgrounds with white bursts, while The Rainbow's background is pink with stars.
- Only the Control Freak speaks on behalf of the others.
- Ironically, Phineas and the gang record voices for their characters, but none of them speak in the cartoon. Similarly, Candace doesn't record dialogue for the Control Freak, yet she speaks. Although is possible that one of the other gang members could have recorded dialogue for the Control Freak and their voice in the recording was edited to sound just like Candace or Candace did actually record dialogue for the Control Freak off-screen and the dialogue the gang recorded for the characters could have been edited out in the final version of the cartoon also off-screen.
- It is somewhat like the show Teen Titans or Power Rangers.
- Multiman is one of the heroes in The Impossibles, a classic 60's Hanna-Barbera show, starring a superhero team of the same name.
- HanumanMan is based on a Hindu deity Hanuman, who also looks like a monkey and can grow in size. He is from an Indian epic, Ramayana.
- Control Freak is also the name of a villain in Cartoon Network's Teen Titans.
- HanumanMan's appearance is similar to Nightcrawler from X-Men.