"You'd be surprised how often removing a single component can make the difference between one thing and a highly complicated totally unrelated other thing. For instance, if you remove this part, it will become a Sorbet Machine." — Phineas[src] |
The Sorbet Machine is a frozen dessert producer modified by Phineas and Ferb from a console whose components can be arranged for shapeshifting results.
While his friends are concentrating on a tire swing project, Buford messes with a nearby control panel, removing a piece from its innings. This causes a ray to be fired, panicking him into reconnecting the part before anyone can see his doing. Afraid to admit his mistake, he asks the boys about the consequences of taking the specific component from the device, to which they respond by concluding that it would emit a fly-transforming beam. Giving a further example, the brothers point out a separate section related to dessert production.
In her room, Candace is hit by the emitted ray, turning her into a fly. Presuming to be her siblings' fault, she attempts to show what they had done to her mother, but her state hinders her from doing so. Following a second try to get her parent's attention, she is thrown out of the car, finding herself aimlessly drifting downtown afterwards. Eventually, she returns to her house, being noticed by the kids. Buford alters the console a couple of times, reaching the human form in time for her compromise with Jeremy.
With the main invention gone, Phineas switches the device's form into a sorbet gadget, so that they can enjoy more of what summer is all about ("Fly On the Wall"). On Bee Day, the Fireside Girls set out to earn the dreaded Beekeeping Patch, for which Isabella remembers the shapeshifting machine. Having it reconfigured to turn the users into bees, the scouts head out in search of the missing insects. The effect wears off after a few hours, enough time to gather a colony to the desired shelter, succeeding in the mission ("Bee Story").
The Sorbet Machine is a gray ice cream dispenser with two frontal orange buttons, a dark gray piece atop, two light gray output channels, and two tray spots in the bottom. As a control panel, it has four green buttons, a blue measure display, one orange button on top and two on the front, a yellow and teal markings atop, dark gray markings up front, a dark gray spherical center piece, a white post linked to a yellow cable, a red emitter, a dark red "FLY" button near the bottom, and several constituent parts underneath it.
The Sorbet Machine is a frozen delicacy producer based on a traditional fast food machination. Pressing the buttons in the head yields a ball of sorbet, which can be picked up by putting a tray under the output channels. Originally, it is conceived as a control console for the tire swing, with its design allowing it to double as a shapeshifting apparatus that can be arranged to transform the users into presumably any animal, item, or entity.
Background Information[]
- Buford describes his query as taking the "goofy doohickey-thing out of the thingamawhatsit". Surprisingly, the boys understand his vague question, reiterating his quote when assessing Candace's predicament.
- As shown by its blueprint, the machine's inner workings appear to work akin to a chain reaction, likely explaining its instability property.
- Once the kids find out about Candace's fly circumstances, Phineas realizes Buford's earlier wrongdoings. The latter briefly tries to deflect the blame to an unknown party, but soon complies to fix his error.
- The entities Candace is turned into before regaining her human shape are:
- A fly (green beam)
- An alligator (orange beam)
- A baby (pink beam)
- A squirrel (yellow beam)
- The Giant Floating Baby Head (red beam)
- A sasquatch (purple beam)
- A giant praying mantis (blue beam)
- Red Leicester cheese (yellow beam)
- A traffic cone (red beam)
- While appreciating the sorbet, Buford questions the difference between it and plain ice cream. Ferb jokingly replies by stating that ice cream are made of dairy products, whereas sorbets are composed of fancy people. In actuality, the latter dessert generally does not contain milk as an ingredient.
- When Isabella mentions the Sorbet Machine to the Fireside Girls, Katie is surprised to hear of it. Not taking the scout's incredulity, the former suggests to look it up on the internet for more information.
- Learning from his previous experience, Phineas retools the device so that it is smaller in size, contains a dashboard to type the specfic targets, and has a time limit for the form change, stated to be an unspecified number of hours.
- The Sorbet Machine is used by the boys on a later day to generate a viewing portal into an alternate universe ("Lost in Danville").
- "Fly On the Wall" (First appearance)
- "Bee Day"
- "Bee Story"
- "Lost in Danville"
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