"What in the world? A secret underground headquarters, with a particle disruptor and... Oh, a hovercraft! Looks like we're gonna be secret agents, huh? When did you find the time to build all this, Ferb?" — Phineas[src] |
The Secret Spy Adventure is a pretend operation carried out by Phineas and Ferb in an accidental appropriation of confidential matter.
Candace and Stacy depart for a day with their favorite band after winning a radio contest, ready to spend hours without thinking about Phineas and Ferb. At home, the boys are divided between projects to pursue, when they notice that Perry has gone customarily missing. Standing by the tree, the brothers wind up opening an elevator inside it while indulging in curiosity to the pet's whereabouts, finding themselves immersed on an agent headquarters, where a mission brief is accidentally passed on to them by the boss.
Obtaining their destination's coordinates, the boys zip over to the nearby hovercar for a stylish exit, impelling a worried Perry to chase his owners in hopes of protecting them from possible dangers. Phineas keeps heeding the technical aspects of the escapade throughout the flight, accrediting it to a bothered Ferb, who is muted again on the sight of the girls' tour bus. Following a brief waving to their sister, the brothers finally infiltrate the designated villainous cove, all the while their mascot sneakily silences the owner.
The ray gun in the room has had a countdown initialized a few seconds before, so it fires towards a bridge in the meantime of Phineas and Ferb's contemplation of the whole situation. Unfortunately, the bullseye is located in the girls' pathway, and the bus' brakes are damaged amidst panic. Detecting the peril, the boys embark on their trusty ride to save her and the others, magnetizing the heavy vehicle long enough for Perry to safely bring it up. Back at the suburbs, the platypus forcibly drops them into Isabella's pool ("Ready for the Bettys").
The Secret Spy Adventure is an undercover act involving the equipment stationed within the Agency's base. A direction map is printed through the orange chair's side slot, orienting the aerial route utilizing the fashioned aircraft, itself complete with laser beam, magnet ray, and cup holder components suited to the task at hand.
The Secret Spy Adventure is a roleplay mission undertaken by the codenamed Agents P and F. Clued in on a case, the two are given nifty coordinates to a cave hosting nefarious activity, against which they issue an advanced propped jet. Enemy machinery cover an automatic ball shooter and a beam gun, the latter leading into the ultimate rescue duty.
Background Information[]
- Early on the day, Phineas and Ferb lay out three summer ideas in the grass for them to choose, these being an escalator to the Moon, becoming secret agents, and cloning giant hamsters. The first is done off-screen at a later time, the second is unintentionally conducted thereafter, and the third is an allusion to common animal experimentation.
- The secret tunnel ridden by the boys is activated upon pressing an inconspicuous rectangular switch, implied to have been implemented by the local intern on the foiled premise of it staying unnoticeable.
- Phineas repeatedly asserts that Ferb is the creator of the experience, despite five attempts by the latter to correct the misunderstanding. In order, the quiet boy tries to object to the headquarters design, the codename picking, the hovercraft features, the villain print, and in the recapitulation to their mother.
- Shocked to see his caretakers in the lair, Perry struggles to get the attention of Monogram, who is intensely focused on reading a annotation clipboard. The major only realizes the problem once he hears a child's voice, promptly hurrying the agent into a shielding chase mostly because of a lack of rocket insurance.
- Phineas and Ferb have their own theme tune played in the background at scene intervals, much like several other agents do.
- His usual vehicle taken, Perry opts for an impromptu airbag seating motor, proved to be at points more potent than the regular ride.
- Gesturing to Candace, the brothers momentarily snap her from a relaxed state. She points them out to Stacy, who misses them and attributes the image to a craze hallucination, calming the urged girl.
- When Phineas requests extra power to Ferb while attempting to lift the Betty Bus, he speaks in the broken cadence of Captain Kirk in Star Trek.
- Isabella, baffled with her friends' sudden dumping, questions their recent activities, to which Phineas responds that it is classified information, imitating the late Sean Connery's portrayal of James Bond in the process.
- Linda is positively surprised not to have listened to an unbelievable story all day, a bubble immediately burst by her sons' enthusiastic story recounting, from which she is solely convinced of the pool soaking.
- "Ready for the Bettys" (First appearance)
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