"We just built a device that temporarily scrambles your molecules so you can pass through solid objects." — Phineas[src] |
The Molecular Scrambler is a phase modulator devised by Phineas and Ferb in order to recover a wedged precious item for their parents.
The boys' parents are preparing to head out for the Mayor's Day festivities, when Linda accidentally lets her lucky guitar pick slip into the wall. Wishing to retrieve it, Lawrence hands his butter knife to his wife, but the utensil proves not to be long enough. Consoling his spouse, he reassures her that they can get the anniversary gift out by hiring a contractor later on. Departing without worries, the couple leaves Phineas and Ferb intrigued to figure out a solution to the small space dilemma.
The brothers soon finalize their newest invention, in time for their friends' arrival. Following a short explanation, the kids move on to test it out, phasing through a multitude of objects throughout town. Back at the house, Phineas utilizes the successful device in order to fetch his mother's valuable item, doing so in a short interval, during which Candace notices her siblings' antics. As they set out to attend the festival, the gang puts the orb on the kitchen table, instigating her to bring it to Linda.
Curious, Candace picks up the ball to experiment its capabilities, activating it by chance. The eager teenager rapidly bikes to the festival, spotting Phineas and Ferb fixing Isabella's ride in the sidewalk. Reaching the fair, the sister dashes towards her mother's stand, tripping on her way there. Unluckily, the device flies out of her hand just as she crosses a public bathroom, landing near the kids, who are saved from being run over by a loose steamroller, which crushes the orb in its returning route ("Just Passing Through").
The Molecular Scrambler is a sky blue sphere with a light blue pointy stripe in both hemispheres. Split in the middle, its center segment is a cylindrical band containing around twenty white dots, from which a gray distorted aura is generated.
The Molecular Scrambler is a phaser based on particle alteration. Upon activation, the device momentarily jumbles up the base constitution of users within a small radius, enabling movement through solid surfaces via the dispersion of molecules.
Background Information[]
- In reality, the concept of phasing through solid objects is impossible, since the exclusion principle dictates that two bulk matters cannot occupy the same space.
- The tests carried out by the kids are:
- Dropping from the boys' bedroom.
- Plugging their heads in a billboard.
- Traversing through a crowd.
- Escaping a locked room.
- Having Buford go through a fence.
- Phineas takes about twelve seconds to grab the golden guitar pick inside the wall.
- Calling her mother to report on her brothers, Candace details the particular instance as no crazier than the other days. She reiterates this sentiment after seeing the ball's powers for herself, stating that the boys have outdone themselves.
- While Ferb pumps the bicycle's tire, Baljeet exclaims his indignation on the fact of this process taking comparatively longer than building a rollercoaster; twelve minutes for the simple task in contrast with a few hours for the ride.
- Passing inside the steamroller, Baljeet appears to be the only one to perceive the odd moment, being disregarded by the others when remarking on it.
- When Candace gets stuck on the public bathroom, her hand is fixed in a raised position. A passing kid takes the opportunity to snarkily high five her.
- Insisting on busting, Candace ends up running to show her predicament to Linda, who dismisses it as a weird modern fashion trend. Afterwards, the stall door is disintegrated by a reflected ray shortly before she is greeted by Jeremy.
- Phineas and Ferb succeed in giving the golden pick to their mother prior to the jazz show, to her relief.
- "Just Passing Through" (First appearance)
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