Phineas and Ferb Wiki
Phineas and Ferb Wiki

"You know, in retrospect, I may have over-romanticized those memories [of the Kiddie Rides]. But I'll bet with a little effort and some unstable uranium isotopes, we could make them that much fun."

The Kiddie Rides are a set of amusement rides tricked out by Phineas and Ferb to heighten the entertainment of mounting them.


Phineas and Ferb come with Candace and Linda to the supermarket, where they buy a set of clothes for themselves. Surprised due to the shopping speed, the mother hands the boys a few quarters so that they can play in the nearby arcade, while she heads inside to check on her daughter. Thrilled for a game, the duo notices a line of quintessential rides, reminding them of their past imaginative diversion with these. Despite seeming underwhelming to older individuals, they set out to improve the toys for one last fun jaunt.

Once the modifications are finished, Phineas and Ferb meet Isabella, Buford, and Baljeet in the sidewalk. The two enlighten their friends about them having completed a fresh tweaking of a ride, though the bully is unconvinced, climbing in to check it for himself. At first operating normally, the toy's enhancements are activated at the press of a button, thoroughly impressing everyone. Before landing back, the pilot zips next to an exiting Candace, ruining her looks in what turns her busting instincts towards her siblings.

The older sister resolves to sit inside the ride in an attempt to preserve evidence, but Buford inserts a quarter to launch it away, leaving her in an uncontrolled flight course. Jumping into the separate refashioned toys, the gang commences a chase after her throughout town. In the canyon outskirts, Candace's credits run out above a gorge, cueing Ferb to swiftly earn a coin to rescue her from harm. Back on track, she is lassoed by Isabella onto the store lot, stationing there on schedule for the machines' replacement ("Ain't No Kiddie Ride").


The Kiddie Rides are a collection of six miniature rides styled as child-like versions of actual vehicles. The design of each one is described below.

Rocket: A small spacecraft with a maroon hull, an orange inner nose cone, a yellow outer nose cone, a red striped nozzle, two red fins, a shooting star symbol in the upper fin, an orange-yellow button in the body, a red striped seat, a yellow seating outline, a black steering wheel, and a hemiellipse gold base with brown markings.

Kart: A small racecar with a green hull, a white surrounding stripe, a green rear wing, a white circle "9" front symbol, four black wheels, two yellow headlights, a green steering wheel, a yellow seat, and two green feet plaforms.

Train: A small locomotive with a red lower hull, a yellow upper hull, dark yellow and red body markings, a black smokebox, two big back black-yellow wheels, four small front black-yellow wheels, a yellow seat, two white steering sticks, two red feet platforms, two gray marker lights, a gray headlight, a gray piston, and a brown railroad base.

Unicorn: A small horse with a white body, a light pink mane, a pink striped tail, two pink ears, two light blue eyes, a light yellow horn, a lavender saddle, a light yellow seat, a lavender strap, and four tan hoofs.

Trike: A small motorcycle with a blue hull, a white center segment, a blue circle red-yellow star symbol, two black-yellow wheels, a red frame, two yellow hand clutches, two red marker lights, one red headlight, a white seat, a transparent windscreen, two white feet platforms, and a red back post with a rear light.

Submarine: A small watercraft with a white hull, a lower light blue-blue wave pattern, a gray nose cone, a white propeller, three dark blue mini windows, two gray side sails, two white marker lights, a white seat, a blue-tipped teal periscope, and a purple flat base.


The Kiddie Rides are operated using a red button installed within them, initiating engine-powered modes upon being touched. Their portable size permits flexible movement along the external surface for an unbounded experience, hindered only by the fuel limitation, which requires the users to recharge credits in defined intervals. Quarters and dollars are accepted by the machines' slots, provided that they are in good condition.

Background Information[]

  • The regular toy rides are fabricated by the company Rides 'n' Stuff.
  • According to Phineas, the spaceship ride was his favorite as a toddler, when he and Ferb used to create make-believe scenarios of them defeating robots. Faced with reality, the former admits to having idealized his memories of their old games.
  • Unstable uranium isotopes appear to be the main compound inserted in the toys, as named by Phineas. This is a nod to nuclear devices, whose sources are most often isotopes derived from uranium and plutonium.
  • Baljeet states that the playitems are popular with young children thanks to the back-and-forth slow rocking motion.
  • In Buford's test drive, he flies into space for a brief period, indicating that the rocket can hit the Earth's escape velocity of 6.96 mi/s (11.2 km/s).
  • Sorted by seating order, the pilots of each machine are:
    • Rocket: Candace
    • Kart: Phineas
    • Train: Ferb
    • Unicorn: Isabella
    • Trike: Baljeet
    • Submarine: Buford
  • Aside from the rocket and the unicorn, all of the rides have headlight eyes, a common feature of sentient vehicles in fiction.
  • During the pursuit for Candace, Phineas has Isabella get an aerial view of their target, who is seen flying through a barn, picking up a flock of chickens and a cow.
  • Phineas is shown holding a gray walkie talkie in his person to ensure long-distance communication in the road.
  • When Baljeet's trike runs out of power, he is instructed to place his dollar bill on the machine, to no avail. Following a sequence of tries, he irons the money, succeeding in getting it to process. However, the ironing board goes off instead, irking him enough to kick his trike, which then switches on without him.
  • To get a quarter, Ferb dresses up in a monochromatic attire to perform a short robotic dance. Afterwards, he slingshots it directly into the rocket's coin slot.
  • While leaving the store, Phineas suggests boosting their bicycles on the next day as a follow-up to the escapade.
  • Candace misses the repairman coming to substitute the toys, embarrassing herself in front of Linda when attempting to demonstrate the boys' augmentations.
  • The rocket kiddie ride is seen in the montage of clips used by Buford in his video dedicated to Phineas ("Phineas' Birthday Clip-O-Rama!").
  • Recreations of the Kiddie Rides are used to repel Doofenshmirtz-2's invasion of the Tri-State Area (Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension).
  • The rocket and unicorn Kiddie Rides were items in the carnival map of the Summer Vacation Summerizer. Combining them with Phineas and Isabella respectively resulted in an animation of them riding the machines.
  • The unicorn kiddie ride was available to be placed in Isabella's card in The Dad-inator.
  • The base disc of the rocket kiddie ride was a usable part in the game Robot-inator.
  • The rocket kiddie ride was an interactable item in 2D Yourself. Approaching it with the spacebar turned it on, and played Phineas' lines relating to his playtime memories.
  • In the game Robot Riot!, the Kiddie Rides are passerby objects that can destroy incoming Norm Bots on contact in all levels.


Garbog's spacecraft
Big Ideas Next:
3D Projector
v - e - dBig Ideas
Season 1
Coolest Coaster Ever | Backyard Beach | Phineas and the Ferb-Tones | 42
The Curse of the Princess Monster | Thumb Wrestling Arena | Remodelling Mount Rushmore | Brobots
Chamber of Invisibility | Microscopic Zoo | Robot Bean & Tea Leaf | Summer All The Time Collection
Cattle Drive | S'Winter | Big Top Cirque | Mummy | Secret Spy Adventure | Perry the Inaction Figure | Bigfoot
Candace Crusher | Shrinking Submarine | Time Machine | Tree House Robots | Grandpa's Dinghy | Chariot Race
Giant Ferris Wheel | Backyard Water Slide | Summer Roller Re-Match | Totally Sick Waterslide of Doom
Conk | Beach Submarine | Medieval Tournament | Escalator to the Moon | World's Largest Bowling Ball
F-Games | Kermillian's Comet | Miniature golf | Teleportation Device | Holy Mackerel | Mariachi tree
Haunted House | Platypus monster | Unpainted Desert | Phineas & Ferb Studios | Team Improbable
Rainbow-inator | Shooting Star Milkshake Bar | Flying Car of the Future, Today | Portal to Mars
Season 2
Nosebud | Animal Translator | Aglet Awareness | Growth elixir | Goldie's Aqueous Extravaganza
Gelatin monster | Big Ben Water Slide | Big and Obvious Ride | Chez Platypus | Platy-posterior | Jump N' Duck
Baseball Launcher | Cute-Tracker | Phineas and Ferb's backyard fort | Paper Pelican | Let's Take a Quiz
Phintastic Ferbulous Car Wash | Platy-Attracker 3000 | Tree Shelter | Shrinking Machine | Boat of Romance
The Baljeatles | X-Ray Glasses | Backyard Spa | Bubble Machine | Shlocko | Ha-Ha-Hut | Mix N' Mingler
Patch Chart | Contraption | Photo-transporter | Ferbalistic Groovatron 9000 | Phineas' Anti-Romance Rocket
Molecular Scrambler | Wedding of Bob and Tiana | Floating Pep Squad Mobile | Niagara Falls replica
Anti-Gravity Fun Launcher | Unification Day Parade | Kiddie Rides | Spinning Tops of Doom
Frozen Yogurt Machine | Robot Bull | Phineas and Ferb's Super Skate Course of Doom | The Beak
Pioneer Town | P&F Lemonade | Aqua Primates | Giant Jump-Roping Robot | Sun-Beater 3000
Holo-Projection Device | Spin Washing | Self-Balancing Monster Unicycle | Giant Maze
Max Modem and the Mainframes | All Terrain Vehicle | World's Tallest Building | Molecular Separator
Sick Day Video Game Backup System | Coolest Coaster Ever | Giant Jukebox
Season 3
Biosphere | Rover | Super Shoes | Balloon Race | Robotic Shark | Moon Farm | Super Computer | Funhouse
Best Phone Ever | Magic Carpet | Hair Style Machines | Bounce House | Worksite Slide | Spring Suction Cup
Stratospheric Ionizer | No Stop Truck Stop | Tour de Ferb | Giant Skiddley Whiffers | Football X-7
Giant Darts | The Tower | Spuds-a-lot | Ferb Latin | 12th Annual Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas
Giant Terracotta Warrior | Excaliferb | Mind Machine | Antius Maximus | Cheesetopia | Perrytronic 3000
Totally Tools Sponsor | Positive Reinforcement Machine | Anti-Gravity Maximus | Ninja Outfits
Warp Trebuchet | Giant Pillow Fight | One-Track Amusement Park | Super Sprinkler | Mom Attractor
Brain Booster | S'Fall | Flying Saucer | Jetpack Volleyball | Mind Flip | State-of-the-Matter Transfer Device
Nanobot Programmer | Highly Unconventional Vehicle | Giant Spring | Squirrel Camp | Blackout Invention
Season 4
Hockey Z-9 | New Year's Ball | Sorbet Machine | Giant Tire Swing | Dental Hygienosphere
Nedlington Nymph | Rutabaga Vehicles | Infinite Probability Generator | Mind Share device
Backyard Hodge Podge | Wading Pool | World's Largest Drop of Water | Dog Sensomatic Helmet
Gordian Knot replica | Rock Climbing Wall | Chupa-Copter | P.H.L.A.S.E.R.
Phineas and Ferb Ultimate Obstacle Course | Pyramid Sports | Bubble Washers | Foam Town
Scrapbook-aganza | Sky Tennis | Ultimate Batting Challenge | Ferb-o-graphic technology
Fletcher Family Flying Circus | Wind Amplification Device | Giant Fireside Girl Puppet | Picnicland
World's Largest Art Piece | Scent Diffuser | Galaxy 5000 | Rubberization Ray | Summer Sports
Dinner Date | Everything Ride | The Buford Van Stomm Time Catapult
Platypult | Remote Control | Murphy's Law Suit | Giant Robotic Clown | Carbonator | Idea-Mashup Machine
Ninja Gloves | Anti-Gravity Ray | Digital Hacker | O.W.C.A. agent beacons