"We can't [turn it off], it's become self-aware! The jump-roping was his idea!" — Phineas[src] |
The Giant Jump-Roping Robot is a robot built by Phineas and Ferb to test artificial sentience.
Candace calls Jeremy, forgetting that it is currently before dawn in Paris, where he is staying. Apologizing, she explains her curiosity in regards to his vacation, prompting him to mention an odd dream with them in it. While he begins to recount it, she hears two rumbles from the exterior, urging her to rush into the backyard to figure out the source. Observing Phineas and Ferb's latest invention, she quickly contacts her mother to report about it.
Bothered by the robot's incessant jumping, Candace asks the boys to turn it off, which is revealed to be impossible thanks to its newly-gained self-awareness. Linda soon arrives home following a road construction detour, to her daughter's excitement. Moments prior to her view, the creation is caught by a passing plane. Afterwards, Phineas and Ferb think back on their previous endeavors, setting out to pursue the funnest day of summer for a real challenge ("Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You!").
The Giant Jump-Roping Robot is a gray humanoid robot with a pill-shaped body, dark gray shoulders, light gray cylindrical arms, gray forearms, light gray hands, gray cylindrical legs, dark gray knees, light gray oval feet, two dark gray antenna ears, and orange oval eyes.
The Giant Jump-Roping Robot is a sentient machine, granted rationality through its own will. It chooses to continuously perform the action of skipping by wielding a huge purple segmented rope with black handles to do so, flickering its eyes to signal power usage.
Background Information[]
- With respect to the time frame of events, it can be deduced that the robot is built in the afternoon of June 19/20, the day before the summer solstice, June 20/21.
- It is referred by Candace as a "rope-jumping" bot. This is an incorrect designation, as it instead alludes to an activity similar to bungee jumping.
- Considering the creation's feature of self-consciousness, it is possible that the boys had been experimenting with an artificial intelligence of some sort.
- Pressed to showcase the boys' invention to her mother, Candace greets Linda by ordering a peak in the backyard. The former subsequently corrects her rude behavior by adding the word "please".
- The robot has a voice that is employed as an outlet for its thoughts. Based on the additional voices listed on the credits, it is likely that it was voiced by Corey Burton.
- Two lines are uttered by the Giant Jump-Roping Robot, "I jump, therefore I am", and "I dangle, therefore I am". Both are variations of René Descartes' famous saying, "I think, therefore I am".
- The machine's collision with the airplane causes a delay on a flight to Tokyo. According to a certain passenger, it is seemingly a common occurrence.
- "Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You!" (First appearance)
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