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Phineas and Ferb Summer Belongs to You! title card

It's the summer solstice, so Phineas, Ferb, & their friends decide to travel around the world in one day in an effort to create the "Biggest, Longest, Funnest summer day of all time". But not everyone believes they can actually achieve what they've set out to do, leading them to get some encouraging words, in the form of a duet, from Clay Aiken and Chaka Khan. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz takes a father-daughter trip to Tokyo with Vanessa.

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Part 1[]

Candace calls Jeremy in Paris and the Giant Jump Roping Robot[]

Heinz and Vanessa Doofenshmirtz on their way to Tokyo[]

Linda and Lawrence packing their bags and Candace left in charge[]

Candace has a nightmare and calls Stacy at five in the morning[]

Phineas introduces the Sun-Beater 3000 and makes a bet with Buford[]

I Believe We Can[]

Perry gets briefed by Carl[]

Candace and Stacy talk about Candace's relationship with Jeremy[]

Doofenshmirtz retrieves his luggage at the airport[]

Starting the journey around the world[]

Part 2/3[]

Learning Doofenshmirtz's plan[]

Phineas and the gang arrive in Tokyo[]

J-Pop (Welcome to Tokyo)[]

Water balloon goes into the sky and leaving Tokyo[]

Crashing in the Himalayas[]

Rubber Bands, Rubber Balls[]

Candace and Vanessa go higher up the mountain and end up having to run from Doofenshmritz in a snowball[]

Bouncin' Around the World[]