It's the summer solstice, so Phineas, Ferb, & their friends decide to travel around the world in one day in an effort to create the "Biggest, Longest, Funnest summer day of all time". But not everyone believes they can actually achieve what they've set out to do, leading them to get some encouraging words, in the form of a duet, from Clay Aiken and Chaka Khan. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz takes a father-daughter trip to Tokyo with Vanessa.
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Part 1 [ ]
Candace calls Jeremy in Paris and the Giant Jump Roping Robot [ ]
"You realize it's like 2AM in Paris?"
"It's become self-aware! The jump-roping was his idea."
The "You're Watching Television!" slide.
Phineas flips through Ferb's log.
"Ferb, I know what we're going to do today!"
Heinz and Vanessa Doofenshmirtz on their way to Tokyo [ ]
Doofenshmirtz and Vanessa travel to Tokyo.
The Rope Jumping robot hangs onto the plane.
Linda and Lawrence packing their bags and Candace left in charge [ ]
Linda and Lawrence pack their bags.
"So Phineas and Ferb are up to something bust-worthy."
"I'm also packing this book of puns!"
Candace has a nightmare and calls Stacy at five in the morning [ ]
Candace calls Stacy at 5:01 AM.
"Could you bring some breakfast?"
Phineas introduces the Sun-Beater 3000 and makes a bet with Buford [ ]
"Behold! The Amazing Sun Beater-3000!"
Everyone looking in awe at the Sunbeater 3000.
Phineas tries to explain how he plans to make the day longer.
Little Buford stealing Little Phineas's bike
Isabella is angry with Buford for trying to bet with Phineas
"Yeah, I hired a stunt singer. What do you think?"
Phineas and Ferb provide the music as Clay Aiken sings.
Isabella and some of the Fireside Girls look dreamily at Clay Aiken as he sings.
Phineas sees Chaka Khan for the first time.
Perry gets briefed by Carl [ ]
Candace and Stacy talk about Candace's relationship with Jeremy [ ]
Doofenshmirtz retrieves his luggage at the airport [ ]
Starting the journey around the world [ ]
"We're flying around the world to make the longest day of summer ever!"
Stacy encourages Candace.
The kids show off their rocket-plane.
Part 2/3 [ ]
Learning Doofenshmirtz's plan [ ]
Doofenshmirtz's giant water balloon.
Phineas and the gang arrive in Tokyo [ ]
Unforeseen Mishap Number One. (Gear-up Landing.)
Phineas and Ferb in Caramelldansen.
Candace as a Japanese animation character.
Buford and Baljeet in Caramelldansen.
Water balloon goes into the sky and leaving Tokyo [ ]
Vanessa joins for the ride.
"No matter where we go, Ferb knows everyone!"
Crashing in the Himalayas [ ]
Unforeseen Mishap Number Two. (Crashed the wings and lands without them.)
Candace now realizes that Phineas was telling the truth about Klimpaloon.
The group has no way of going anywhere so they decide to stop at Uncle Sabu's.
Candace and Vanessa want to stay with the plane.
Really? No, that's just something we say to freak the tourists.
Rubber Band Factory Dancers.
Revealing the stretching room.
The room where they add long-chained hydrocarbons.
Phineas, Ferb, and Isabella dancing with Uncle Sabu.
The room where the compression is tested.
The break room and little fridge for the dancers
The kids with Uncle Sabu.
Phineas has an idea for the plane.
Candace and Vanessa go higher up the mountain and end up having to run from Doofenshmritz in a snowball [ ]
"Start the Plane! Start the Plane!"
"I think we might want to start the plane."
Candace yells at Klimpaloon who is being a disturbance.
The gang goes bouncing around the world!