Finias ja Ferb is the Finnish dub of Phineas and Ferb.
The series premiered o February 1, 2008 on Disney Channel Scandinavia in Finland. It also aired on Disney XD and Nelonen.
The following is an overview of the series' broadcast in Finland.
Season | Premiere | Finale |
Season 1 | February 1, 2008 | 2009 |
Season 2 | 2009 | 2011 |
Season 3 | 2011 | 2013 |
Season 4 | 2013 | 2015 |
Character | Voice actor |
Phineas Flynn | Henri Piispanen (Season 1; songs in Seasons 1 and 2) Matias Hangasmaa (Season 2) Joel Bonsdorff (Seasons 3 and 4) |
Ferb Fletcher | Oskari Tamminen (Seasons 1 and 2) Paulus Kähkönen (Seasons 3 and 4) |
Candace Flynn | Henni-Liisa Stam |
Perry the Platypus | Original audio is retained |
Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Antti Jaakola |
Francis Monogram | Rauno Ahonen |
Linda Flynn-Fletcher | Hanna Kaila |
Lawrence Fletcher | Petri Hanttu |
Isabella Garcia-Shapiro | Amy Burgess (Season 1) Iina Johanson (Season 2) Venla Monni (Season 3) Bea Oesch (Season 4) |
Baljeet Tjinder | Akira Takaki Antti Jaakola (Season 1) |
Buford Van Stomm | Samuel Harjanne |
Jeremy Johnson | |
Stacy Hirano | Viivi Tamminen |
Carl Karl | Samuel Harjanne |
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz | Viivi Tamminen |
Season 1[]
No. | Episode | Localized title |
1 | "Rollercoaster" | "Vuoristorata" |
2 | "Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror" | "Kaameat pihatontturantajuhlat" |
3 | "Flop Starz" | "Floppistarat" |
4 | "The Fast and the Phineas" | "Hurjapää Finias" |
5 | "Lights, Candace, Action!" | "Valot, Candace, Käy" |
6 | "Raging Bully" | "Kaksintaistelu ostarissa" |
7 | "Candace Loses Her Head" | "Candacen päättömät synttärit" |
8 | "I, Brobot" | "Robottiarmeija" |
9 | "Run Away Runway" | "Muodin orjat" |
10 | "The Magnificent Few" | "Pari rohkeaa heppua" |
11 | "S'Winter" | "Kelvi" |
12 | "Jerk De Soleil" | "Varsinaista sirkusta" |
13 | "Are You My Mummy?" | "Muumiokaverini" |
14 | "Ready for the Bettys" | "Päivä bändäreinä" |
15 | "I Scream, You Scream" | "Jäätelökone" |
16 | "Toy to the World" | "Maailman paras lelu" |
17 | "Get That Bigfoot Outa My Face!" | "Isojaloittelua" |
18 | "It's a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World" | "Vauhtia ja vaarallisia tilanteita" |
19 | "Journey to the Center of Candace" | "Matka Candacen uumeniin" |
20 | "It's About Time!" | "Ajan kysymys" |
21 | "Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together" | "Kaikkien aikojen rokkikeikka" |
22 | "Tree to Get Ready" | "Puiseva robotaistelu" |
23 | "The Ballad of Badbeard" | "Pahaparran balladi" |
24 | "Greece Lightning" | "Antiikin ihmeitä" |
25 | "Leave the Busting to Us!" | "Rysän päältä" |
26 | "Mom's Birthday" | "Äidin syntymäpäivä" |
27 | "Crack That Whip" | "Kilpasiskokset" |
28 | "The Best Lazy Day Ever" | "Laiskottelupäivä" |
29 | "Boyfriend From 27,000 B.C." | "Kivikautinen poikaystävä" |
30 | "Voyage to the Bottom of Buford" | "Bufordin oma kulta" |
31 | "A Hard Day's Knight" | "Ritarillinen päivä" |
32 | "Traffic Cam Caper" | "Kaikkinäkevä kamera" |
33 | "Bowl-R-Ama Drama" | "Kaupunkiflipperi" |
34 | "Got Game?" | "Pelisilmää" |
35 | "Comet Kermillian" | "Kermillianin komeetta" |
36 | "Put That Putter Away" | "Putti putista" |
37 | "Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat?" | "Näytänkö tässä nokassa lihavalta?" |
38 | "The Flying Fishmonger" | "Lentävä kala-ukko" |
39 | "One Good Scare Ought to Do It!" | "Kunnon säikähdys auttaa" |
40 | "The Monster of Phineas-n-Ferbenstein" | "Finias & Ferbensteinin hirviö" |
41 | "Oil on Candace" | "Tilataidetta" |
42 | "Out of Toon" | "Piirretyn elämää" |
43 | "Hail Doofania!" | "Eläköön Tollomaa!" |
44 | "Out to Launch" | "Tie tähtiin" |
45 | "Phineas and Ferb Get Busted!" | "Pojat kiinni rysän päältä" |
46 | "Unfair Science Fair" | "Naattorit näytteillä" |
47 | "Unfair Science Fair Redux (Another Story)" | "Naattorit näytteillä: Kuinkas siinä kävikään?" |
Season 2[]
No. | Episode | Localized title |
1 | "The Lake Nose Monster" | "Nokkajärven hirviö" |
2 | "Interview With a Platypus" | "Puheenvuoro eläimille" |
3 | "Tip of the Day" | "Päivän pääasia" |
4 | "Attack of the 50 Foot Sister" | "King Kong Candace" |
5 | "Backyard Aquarium" | "Meri takapihalla" |
6 | "Day of the Living Gelatin" | "Kun hyytelö heräsi eloon" |
7 | "Elementary My Dear Stacy" | "Yksinkertaista, rakas Stacy" |
8 | "Don't Even Blink" | "Lupa tuijottaa" |
9 | "Chez Platypus" | "Ravintola Nokkis" |
10 | "Perry Lays an Egg" | "Perryn muna" |
11 | "Gaming the System" | "Pelittääkö?" |
12 | "The Chronicles of Meap" | "Miipin seikkailut" |
13 | "Thaddeus and Thor" | "Thadius ja Thor" |
14 | "De Plane! De Plane!" | "Ilmojen halki käy lennokin tie" |
15 | "Let's Take a Quiz" | "Älypäät vastakkain" |
16 | "At the Car Wash" | "Autopesulassa" |
17 | "Oh, There You Are, Perry" | "Siinä se Perry on" |
18 | "Swiss Family Phineas" | "Fletcherit samassa veneessä" |
19 | "Hide and Seek" | "Piilosilla" |
20 | "That Sinking Feeling" | "Aaltojen syleilyssä" |
21 | "The Baljeatles" | "Baljeetin bändi" |
22 | "Vanessassary Roughness" | "Vanessa näyttää kyntensä" |
23 | "No More Bunny Business" | "Nyt loppui puputus" |
24 | "Spa Day" | "Kylpylässä" |
25 | "Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo" | "Finias ja Ferb sekoittavat tulevaisuuden" |
26 | "Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown" | "Finiasin ja Ferbin Top 10 lista" |
27 | "Bubble Boys" | "Kuplapojat" |
28 | "Isabella and the Temple of Sap" | "Isabella ja Mahlatemppeli" |
29 | "Cheer Up Candace" | "Hymyä huuleen, Candace!" |
30 | "Fireside Girl Jamboree" | "Candacen partiokaste" |
31 | "The Bully Code" | "Kova laki" |
32 | "Finding Mary McGuffin" | "Missä olet, Maija Mollanen?" |
33 | "Picture This" | "Kuvasta tekoihin" |
34 | "Nerdy Dancin'" | "Tanssii tiedemiesten kanssa" |
35 | "What Do It Do?" | "Etupihan kummajainen" |
36 | "Atlantis" | "Atlantis" |
37 | "Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!" | "Joululoma!" |
38 | "Just Passing Through" | "Läpikulku sallittu" |
39 | "Candace's Big Day" | "Candacen suuri päivä" |
40 | "I Was a Middle Aged Robot" | "Keski-ikäisen robotin kyydissä" |
41 | "Suddenly Suzy" | "Suzyn opissa" |
42 | "Undercover Carl" | "Carl soluttautuu" |
43 | "Hip Hip Parade" | "Paraatin hurmaa" |
44 | "Invasion of the Ferb Snatchers" | "Ferb ufojen uhrina" |
45 | "Ain't No Kiddie Ride" | "Ei mitään leikkiä" |
46 | "Not Phineas and Ferb" | "Kaksoisolennot" |
47 | "Phineas and Ferb-Busters!" | "Yhteispelillä se ei suju" |
48 | "The Lizard Whisperer" | "Liskokuiskaaja" |
49 | "Robot Rodeo" | "Robottirodeo" |
50 | "The Beak" | "Nokka" |
51 | "She's the Mayor" | "Neiti Pormestari" |
52 | "The Lemonade Stand" | "Limonaatibaari" |
53 | "Phineas and Ferb Hawaiian Vacation" | "Havaijin-loma" |
54 | "Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You!" | "Kesä on sun" |
55 | "Nerds of a Feather" | "Genrejen sota" |
56 | "Wizard of Odd" | "Ihmemaa Oz" |
57 | "We Call it Maze" | "Maailman paras sokkelo" |
58 | "Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem!" | "Max Modeemi" |
59 | "The Secret of Success" | "Menestyksen salaisuus" |
60 | "The Doof Side of the Moon" | "Kuun tollompi puoli" |
61 | "Split Personality" | "Jakomielinen Candace" |
62 | "Brain Drain" | "Pelikuumetta" |
63 | "Rollercoaster: The Musical!" | "Vuoristoratamusikaali" |
64 | "Make Play" | "Prinsessaleikit" |
65 | "Candace Gets Busted" | "Candace jää nalkkiin" |
Season 3[]
No. | Episode | Localized title |
1 | "The Great Indoors" | "Neljän seinän erämaa" |
2 | "Canderemy" | "Canderemy" |
3 | "Run, Candace, Run" | "Juokse, Candace, juokse" |
4 | "Last Train to Bustville" | "Candace luovuttaa" |
5 | "Phineas' Birthday Clip-O-Rama!" | "Finiaksen parhaat palat!" |
6 | "The Belly of the Beast" | "Danvillen suuri hai" |
7 | "Moon Farm" | "Kuufarmi" |
8 | "Ask a Foolish Question" | "Jos kysyy tyhmiä..." |
9 | "Misperceived Monotreme" | "Väärä vesinokkaeläin" |
10 | "Candace Disconnected" | "Candace poissa langoilta" |
11 | "Magic Carpet Ride" | "Lentävä matto" |
12 | "Bad Hair Day" | "Tukka huonosti, kaikki huonosti" |
13 | "Meatloaf Surprise" | "Murekeylläri" |
14 | "Phineas and Ferb Interrupted" | "Finiaksen ja Ferbin välipäivä" |
15 | "A Real Boy" | "Oikea poika" |
16 | "Mommy Can You Hear Me?" | "Äiti, etkö kuule?" |
17 | "Road Trip" | "Autoretki" |
18 | "Tour de Ferb" | "Tour de Ferb" |
19 | "Skiddley Whiffers" | "Voropoli" |
20 | "My Fair Goalie" | "Teetä ja jalkapalloa" |
21 | "Bullseye!" | "Napakymppi!" |
22 | "That's the Spirit" | "Hengessä mukana" |
23 | "The Curse of Candace" | "Candacen kirous" |
24 | "Escape from Phineas Tower" | "Pako tornista" |
25 | "Lotsa Latkes" | "Perunakaaos" |
26 | "Ferb Latin" | "Ferbinsaksa" |
27 | "A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas" | "Finiaksen ja Ferbin perhejoulushow" |
28 | "Tri-Stone Area" | "Kivikautiset keksijät" |
29 | "Doof Dynasty" | "Tollodynastia" |
30 | "Excaliferb" | "Excaliferb" |
31 | "Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon" | "Finias ja Ferb ja Mitazpuhatin temppeli" |
32 | "Monster from the Id" | "Alitajunnan hirviöt" |
33 | "Gi-Ants" | "Jättimuurahaiset" |
34 | "The Remains of the Platypus" | "Takaperoinen vesinokkaeläin" |
35 | "Mom's in the House" | "Käräyttämisen sietämätön vaikeus" |
36 | "Perry The Actorpus" | "Näyttelijäeläin-Perry" |
37 | "Let's Bounce" | "Pompitaan" |
38 | "Bully Bromance Breakup" | "Kariutunut kiusaussuhde" |
39 | "Quietest Day Ever" | "Historian hiljaisin päivä" |
40 | "The Doonkelberry Imperative" | "Kahtiajakautunut kansa" |
41 | "Meapless in Seattle" | "Läheltä miippasi" |
42 | "Delivery of Destiny" | "Kohtalon kuljetus" |
43 | "Buford Confidential" | "Bufordin salaisuus" |
44 | "The Mom Attractor" | "Äidinhoukutin" |
45 | "Cranius Maximus" | "Suuri jättiaivo" |
46 | "Agent Doof" | "Agentti Tollontyö" |
47 | "Minor Monogram" | "Sähkeisen poika" |
48 | "What A Croc!" | "Krokotiilin metsästys" |
49 | "Sleepwalk Surprise" | "Unissakävelijän yllätys" |
50 | "Sci-Fi Pie Fly" | "Viljaympyröiden arvoitus" |
51 | "Sipping with the Enemy" | "Viholliset kahvilla" |
52 | "Tri-State Treasure: Boot of Secrets" | "Metropolialueen aarre: Salaisuuksien saapas" |
53 | "Doofapus" | "Tolloeläin" |
54 | "Norm Unleashed" | "Norm näyttää taitonsa" |
55 | "Where's Perry?" | "Missä Perry on?" |
56 | "Where's Perry? (Part Two)" | "Missä Perry on? (Osa 2)" |
57 | "Ferb TV" | "Ferb TV" |
58 | "When Worlds Collide" | "Kun maailmat kohtaavat" |
59 | "What'd I Miss?" | "Mistä jäin paitsi?" |
60 | "Road to Danville" | "Tie Danvilleen" |
61 | "This Is Your Backstory" | "Mistä on pienet Tollot tehty?" |
62 | "Blackout!" | "Pimennossa" |
Season 4[]
No. | Episode | Localized title |
1 | "For Your Ice Only" | "Jääkenttien kutsu" |
2 | "Happy New Year!" | "Hyvää uutta vuotta!" |
3 | "Fly On the Wall" | "Kärpäsenä katossa" |
4 | "Bully Bust" | "Bufordin tehtävä" |
5 | "My Sweet Ride" | "Mun upea kärryni" |
6 | "Der Kinderlumper" | "Der Kinderlümper" |
7 | "Sidetracked" | "Sivuraiteilla" |
8 | "Primal Perry" | "Nokkaeläimen metsästys" |
9 | "Mind Share" | "Mielet vaihtoon" |
10 | "Backyard Hodge Podge" | "Kierrätetty vempain" |
11 | "Bee Day" | "Pörinää kaduilla" |
12 | "Bee Story" | "Pörinää kulisseissa" |
13 | "Great Balls Of Water" | "Pintajännitystarina" |
14 | "Where's Pinky?" | "Missä Pinkki on?" |
15 | "Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown Hosted by Kelly Osbourne" | |
16 | "Knot My Problem" | "Ihan solmussa" |
17 | "Just Desserts" | "Suut makeaksi" |
18 | "La Candace-Cabra" | "Candace-Cabra" |
19 | "Happy Birthday, Isabella" | "Hyvää syntymäpäivää Isabella" |
20 | "Love at First Byte" | "Rakastuneet robotit" |
21 | "One Good Turn" | "Käänteentekevä keksintö" |
22 | "Phineas and Ferb: Mission Marvel" | "Tehtävä: Marvel" |
23 | "Thanks But No Thanks" | "Kiitos, mutta ei kiitos" |
24 | "Troy Story" | "Troijalainen tarina" |
25 | "Druselsteinoween" | "Drüselsteinoween" |
26 | "Terrifying Tri-State Trilogy of Terror" | "Kerrassaan kammottava kauhutrilogia" |
27 | "Face Your Fear" | "Kohtaa pelkosi" |
28 | "Cheers for Fears" | "Toteutuneet pelot" |
29 | "Steampunx" | "Höyrypäiset keksijät" |
30 | "Just Our Luck" | "Onnen oikut" |
31 | "Return Policy" | "Palautusoikeus" |
32 | "Live and Let Drive" | "Ajat vain kahdesti" |
33 | "Phineas and Ferb Save Summer" | "Finias ja Ferb – Kesän pelastajat" |
34 | "Father's Day" | "Isänpäivä" |
35 | "Imperfect Storm" | "Myrskyn kourissa" |
36 | "The Return of the Rogue Rabbit" | "Pahan pupun paluu" |
37 | "It's No Picnic" | "Paisunut piknik" |
38 | "The Klimpaloon Ultimatum" | "Kohteena Klimpaloon" |
39 | "Operation Crumb Cake" | "Operaatio Murukakku" |
40 | "Mandace" | "Miehen mitta" |
41 | "Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars" | "Star Wars" |
42 | "Lost in Danville" | "Danvillen mysteeri" |
43 | "The Inator Method" | "Naattorimetodi" |
44 | "Night of the Living Pharmacists" | "Elävien apteekkarien yö" |
45 | "Tales from the Resistance: Back to the 2nd Dimension" | "Vastarintaliikkeen tarinoita" |
46 | "Doof 101" | "Tollouden perusteet" |
47 | "Act Your Age" | "Oppia ikä kaikki" |
48 | "Last Day of Summer" | "Kesän viimeinen päivä" |
49 | "O.W.C.A. Files" | "J.I.H.L.:n arkistot" |
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