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This is the list of Doofenshmirtz's schemes and inventions in Season 2.

Episode Invention(s) Scheme Failure/Destruction
"The Lake Nose Monster" Doofenshmirtz's Submarine
Doofenshmirtz's Submarine

He plans to steal all the zinc from Lake Nose and use it in some evil way that he hasn't figured out yet. It crashes into a trench and the engine fails.
"Interview With a Platypus" B.O.A.T. (Buoyancy Operated Aquatic Transport)
Buoyancy Operated Aquatic Transport

He plans to flood the streets so that everyone will have to buy and use his BOAT (Buoyancy Operated Aquatic Transport) in order to get around. Perry thwarts this by opening the M.O.A.T. (Metropolitan Oval Aquatic Trench), which surrounds Danville and brings the water around the Tri-State area.
"Tip of the Day" Universal Delete Button
Universal Delete Button

He uses Perry's Universal Delete Button to combine with his Thought Projection Helmet to erase everyone's mind of an embarrassing video they found of him. However, whoever is not aware of what he is thinking of will be unaffected. Dr. Doofenshmirtz is thinking about aglets instead of the video when he pushes the button to activate the Delete From My Mind-Inator. He then destroys it by throwing it to the floor.
"Attack of the 50 Foot Sister" Smell-inator

He plans to get rid of the people at the mid-summer festival by putting a liquid that smells like dirty diapers into his Smell-inator, thus getting everyone to leave because of the smell. Doof, not realizing it, accidentally puts in a growth formula, and a hit against the machine causes it to enlarge the entire universe.
"Backyard Aquarium" Hot-Dog-Vendor-Revenge-inator

He plans to freeze the water that hot dog vendors use to boil their hot dogs, so that he can sell his bratwurst. The machine's shot misses its original target and it is destroyed in a wave of bratwurst.
"Day of the Living Gelatin" Turn-Everything-Evil-inator

He uses a ray that can turn anything, starting with Agent P, into his evil minion. After missing Agent P, Doof calls the things he hit: a toothbrush, soap, and a gelatin monster. Agent P uses the sprinklers to melt the Gelatin Monster and short out the Turn Everything Evil-Inator.
"Elementary My Dear Stacy" Launching Big Ben to Danville
Big Ben in Danville

He plans to launch Big Ben to Danville so that he can tell what time it is because his watch is too small. Perry escapes the trap, then climbs to the top of Big Ben, kicks Dr. Doofenshmirtz off and deactivates the launch.
"Don't Even Blink" Invis-inator

He creates an invisibility/disintegration ray to turn the Fireside Girls invisible when they try to sell him cupcakes. He can also convert the Invisinator into a disintegrator, which he attempts to use on Perry. After Doofenshmirtz turns it into a disintegrator, Perry reorients the machine so that it destroys its own control panel.
"Chez Platypus" De-Love-inator Satellite
De-Love-inator Satellite

He launches a De-lovinator satellite into space to eliminate love from the Tri-State Area in case his date doesn't go well. Since he falls in love, he gives the remote to Perry, who destroys it. The De-Love-inator satellite falls to earth and zaps Doofenshmirtz's date, causing her to dump him.
"Perry Lays an Egg" Whale-Translator-inator
Learning Whale Song
Doof whale

In the past, Doofensmirtz built the Whale Translator-inator to impress his girlfriend, who then left him for a whale. He has now taught himself whale song so he can insult some whales as revenge. The plan succeeds, but Agent P gets bored with the pitiful scheme and leaves. Doofenshmirtz leaves the boat to chase after him, demanding to be thwarted.
"Gaming the System" Ballgown-inator

He uses the Ballgown-inator to dress everyone in the Tri-State Area in ballgowns so he can be the manliest in comparison. After hitting a few unintentional shots, Doof hits himself with the machine, giving him a ballgown. Agent P then destroys it.
"The Chronicles of Meap" Static-Electro-Amplif-inator

He plans to use his Static-Electro-Amplif-inator to attract all the balloons in Tri-State Area so that he can find his childhood balloon friend, Balloony. The sheer amount of balloons lifts the machine into the sky and crashes it into Mitch's ship, where Balloony is located. However, Balloony doesn't follow him back to earth.
"Thaddeus and Thor" Kick-inator 5000
Kick-inator 5000

He invents the Kick-inator 5000 to use at his family kickball tournament so he can win and get his mother's love. The inator succeeds in helping him pull the greatest kick, but the ball bounces from the boys' fort back to Roger, who then tags Heinz out.
"De Plane! De Plane!" Evaporator-inator

He plans to use his "Greevil" Evaporator-inator to evaporate the water of public pools because his mother never let him swim in them when he was a child. Doofenshmirtz misses his original target, but when he tries to hit his nemesis, his power source is blocked by the brothers' paper plane.
"Let's Take a Quiz" Scorch-inator

He invents the Scorch-inator because he developed an addiction to infomercials and he wants to get rid of them by melting their station towers. Before Doof can activate the Inator, Perry escapes, and the two start fighting using items that Doof bought from infomercials.
"At the Car Wash" Mountain-Out-of-a-Molehill-inator

He creates the Mountain-out-of-a-molehill-inator because all his life he was told to not make a mountain out of a molehill. Also, he uses an Unstuck-inator to get the machine working. The device succeeds in making molehills grow to the size of mountains, but the power goes into overload. The Unstuck-inator smashes the Mountain-out-of-a-Molehill-inator, and a giant starnose mole created by the device steps into the Unstuck-inator.
"Oh, There You Are, Perry" Rocket Boots
Rocket Boots
Self-Destruct Button
Self-Destruct Button

Doofenshmirtz visits the Regurgitator after being downgraded to a low threat, accepts an internship with him, and invents unnamed rocket boots so the Regurgitator can reach some high up files and a self-destruction system for the lair. The Self-Destruct Button destroys the entire base. Perry later uses the Rocket Boots to transport himself and Doofenshmirtz out of the exploding lair.
"Swiss Family Phineas" Monkey-Enslave-inator Helmet
Monkey-Enslave-inator Helmet

Doofenshmirtz makes the Monkey Enslave-inator helmet after figuring out what he was thinking when he wrote "Big Laundry" on his list of evil ideas back in "The Lake Nose Monster." He uses the monkeys he's controlling to run a laundry service in a volcano. He only builds one helmet, because, as he explains, "monkey see, monkey do". Perry knocks off the Monkey Enslave-inator helmet, leading all the monkeys to rebel.
"Hide and Seek" Doofenshmirtz's Recycling 'Scheme'
Doofenshmirtz's Recycling Scheme
Tracking Device
Tracking Device
Camera Bot
Camera Bot

Doofenshmirtz tries to figure out where Perry the Platypus lives by attaching a nanobot to him. Doof pretends that his evil plan is to not recycle, but actually puts a Tracking Device on Perry as he leaves. When the platypus goes home, the Tracker turns into a Camera Bot, but the shrunken kids defeat it and knock off its eye, which Perry finds and crushes. Later, Doofenshmirtz self-destructs the rest of it, thinking Perry has the Camera Bot.
"That Sinking Feeling" Rockets on Danville Lighthouse
Danville Lighthouse with rockets

Doofenshmirtz attaches a rocket to the Danville lighthouse to fly it away from his evil incorporation because he is sleep-deprived due to the noise of passing ships. He can't control the rocket, and the Lighthouse crashes into the middle of Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc, leading the boats closer than before, much to his anger.
"The Baljeatles" Bum-Bum-inator

Doofenshmirtz learns about a mother's heartbeat soothing babies, so he sends his heart beat throughout the Tri-State Area to create an army of babies who see him as their leader. He also builds a Nanny-Inator to trap Perry. Perry escapes the Nanny-Inator and makes Doof's heart rate too fast by chasing him, causing the Bum Bum-Inator to explode.
"Vanessassary Roughness" Pizzazium Infinionite
Pizzazium Infinionite

Doofenshmirtz is after some Pizzazium Infinionite that he wants to buy, and since it is taken by Buford and Baljeet (who is intending to use it for a science project), Vanessa volunteers to get it for Doof to prove that she's responsible enough to own a car. Candace and Stacy also want it to use as a lantern for Jeremy, whose birthday it is. Doofenshmirtz manages to find the capsule, but Perry knocks a security beam closer to Doofenshmirtz, so the security guards think he stole the Pizzazium and arrest him, much to Vanessa's dismay.
"No More Bunny Business" Giant-Dog-Biscuit-inator

He builds a colossal dog biscuit with rockets attached, and coated in gravy, which he points out is irresistible to dogs; the constant barking in a nearby apartment building that recently started allowing pets pesters him to the point of building the Inator and attempting to use it to lure the noisy dogs away until they go "over the edge of the Tri-State Area". When he's distracted so that he can't fire the Inator for long enough, dogs break into Doof's building and eat the Giant-Dog-Biscuit-Inator, gravy coating and all.
"Spa Day" Mr. Fluffypants
Doofenshmirtz meets Mr. Fluffypants/Mr

Doofenshmirtz takes in a lost kitten, which causes nothing but trouble. In the end, Doof is forced to do the right thing and give Mr. Fluffypants back to his original owner.
"Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo" Emperor of the Tri-State Area
Doofenshmirtz becomes Emperor

When the 35-year-old Candace messes with time, Doofenshmirtz becomes Emperor of the Tri-State Area in the future. Once the timeline is restored, everything goes back to normal and Doof's reign of terror never happened.
"Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown" Musical-Videoclip-inator and Musical-Video-Mind-Control-inator.
The invention in action

Doofenshmirtz makes a Musical-Videoclip-Inator, which is actually a Musical-Video-Mind-Control-Inator. Perry breaks everyone out of their hypnosis by playing the #1 song, never before seen in an extended edition.
"Bubble Boys" Yodel-inator

Doofenshmirtz creates a cowboy hat to make his singing voice better, then uses it to sing to the song "Yodel Odel Obey Me" in front of a crowd and make them want to do what he says. Perry uses a party blower to destroy the hat, which changes his voice to normal, and the crowd loses interest in the song.
"Cheer Up Candace" Platy-Proliferator-inator

Doofenshmirtz uses the Platy-Proliferator-inator to create Perry clones, then uses them to frame the original Perry for crimes including kicking over a trash can, robbing a truck trailer full of money, speeding while throwing the stolen money at the cops, and eating cereal (which Major Monogram explains isn't really a crime). Perry hits the reverse button, sucking all the other Perry clones and Doof back into the machine. Doof clogs the device, causing it to explode.
"Fireside Girl Jamboree" Metal-Destruct-inator

Doofenshmirtz creates the Metal-Destruct-inator to destroy the bridge connecting the Fireside Cupcake Factory to the Mainland by turning the metal into broccoli so that, with no more Fireside Girls selling him cupcakes, it will be easier to follow the low-carb diet recommended by his doctor. The metal Destruct-Inator is destroyed when Perry fires the ray on itself by twisting the tip around.
"The Bully Code" Retire-inator

Doofenshmirtz builds two inventions, but only uses one of them:
  • The Retire-inator - which Doofenshmirtz will use once he reaches senior age and retires from evildoing. It is filled with crossword puzzles and a fat cat who will sit on his belly and warm him up. Other known objects on it are: a leg rest, a giant feather, a fan, drink, popcorn, slippers, TV, and a chart of his 401k.
  • The Re-Tire-inator - this one, which Doofenshmirtz uses, is built to get revenge on the Tutti McFrutti ice cream truck driver for running over his foot by hitting the truck with a giant tire.
Perry knocks the tire off, thus saving the truck, and in the process, hurts Doofenshmirtz's good foot, which sets off a chain reaction between both his feet's pain.
"Finding Mary McGuffin" Cage-inator

Doofenshmirtz unknowingly buys a lobster cage opener, thinking that it does something evil. In reality, it just opens and closes the cage it came with. Since it doesn't do anything evil, Perry doesn't bother to destroy it.
"Picture This" Mime-inator

Doofenshmirtz tries to rid the world of mimes by trapping them in invisible boxes. Perry warps the device to Phineas and Ferb's backyard, then hits the self-destruct button.
"Nerdy Dancin'" L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N.

Doofenshmirtz and his organization, the League Of Villainous Evildoers Maniacally United For Frightening Investments in Naughtiness, try to make a debut in the public eye during a taping of "Let's All Dance Until We're Sick". The plan is foiled by a combination of the members being eliminated by the judges, the villains' lack of dancing skills, and Perry's assistance from above.
"Atlantis" Evil Spray
Evil Spray
Plant Minion
Plant Minion

Doofenshmirtz raises an army of plant minions using an evil spray. Perry uses a weed wacker to cut up the plants after they go rogue and attack Doof, Perry, and the blimp itself.
"What Do It Do?" Rocket Skiff and the Anti-Romance Rocket, on the right
Rocket Skiff

Doofenshmirtz builds a rocket skiff with lots of traps and a robot that destroys romance. The Anti-Romance Rocket falls down from the Rocket Skiff. Doofenshmirtz is soon left trapped in his Rocket Skiff. The rocket later falls in love with the replica of itself reverse-engineered by Phineas and Ferb, and they fly away together.
"Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!" Naughty-inator

Doofenshmirtz builds a Naughty-Inator to put all of Danville on Santa's naughty list, thus destroying Christmas. The machine succeeds for a while, but music from the Sal Tuscany (Santa Claus with a y) disc shatters the glass containers holding the naughty juices, destroying the inator. It is later revealed that Santa was the one who sent the plans of the Naughty-inator to Doofenshmirtz as part of his plan to grant Doof's wish to gain the ability to hate Christmas, much to Doof's delight.
"Just Passing Through" Be-Gone-inator A
Be-Gone-inator A
Be-Gone-inator B
Be-Gone-inator B
Be-Gone-inator C
Be-Gone-inator C

Doofenshmirtz tries to destroy a statue of his brother Roger on the day of its unveiling. Bobblehead Perry the Platypus destroys Be-gone-inator A, and Doofenshmirtz purposefully destroys Be-gone-inator B in order to be even with Perry. Be-gone-inator C hits the truck's side-view mirror and destroys itself, along with most of the truck.
"Candace's Big Day" Junk-Food-inator

Doofenshmirtz builds the Junk Food-inator in order to make all healthy food unhealthy by covering it in high-fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated coconut oil, thus rendering the citizens of Danville easy to control once he's the only person left eating healthy food. The giant ice scorpion from Phineas and Ferb's ice wedding tower crashes into the inator and knocks it away. Meanwhile, Doofenshmirtz has made himself sick snacking on vegetables dipped in the Junk Food-inator's vats, using it against himself without realizing it, and he excuses himself to the bathroom.
"I Was a Middle Aged Robot" Eulg

Doofenshmirtz invents Eulg, a glue-like substance that breaks items apart. (Eulg is glue backwards.) He intends to destroy the Tri-State Adult Diaper Factory with it. He dumps the entire bottle on his own plane while checking his watch, causing it to fall apart in midair.
"Suddenly Suzy" Carbon-Footprint-inator

Doofenshmirtz plans to spread literal carbon footprints all over the Tri-State Area because, although he doesn't know what a carbon footprint is, he thinks it sounds evil. The giant carbon foot stomps on a large banana and slips, causing it to crash into the blimp it's hanging from.
"Undercover Carl" Anti-Gravity Evil Launch-inator
Anti-Gravity Evil Launch-inator

Doofenshmirtz intercepts Phineas and Ferb's plans for an Anti-Gravity Fun Launcher and changes the name to make it his. The Anti-Gravity Evil Launchinator is towed away for being "parked" in a loading zone. Then, when Doofenshmirtz and Norm steal the original Anti-Gravity Fun Launcher from Phineas and Ferb, both it and a currently vehicle-shaped Norm get towed, this time because Doof doesn't have a license to drive a robot with more than two axles.
"Hip Hip Parade" Duplic-8-inator


Doofenshmirtz builds a ray that creates eight duplicates of whatever it hits. He plans to create traffic jams with the Duplic-8-inator, and traps Perry in the In-Doors-inator. Perry tricks Doof into letting him out of the In-Doors-inator by knocking on the other side of the door so he'll open it, and after shooting willy-nilly for a bit, the Duplic-8-inator overloads and explodes.
"Invasion of the Ferb Snatchers" Wrapped-Up-In-a-Nice-Little-Bow-inator

Doofenshmirtz creates an inator that wraps things up with a nice little bow, then puts it up for auction. Perry uses the Inator to wrap Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. in a nice little package with a bow.
"Ain't No Kiddie Ride" Aerosol Sculpture
Aerosol Sculpture

Doofenshmirtz plans to burn his name into the atmosphere so that no one will ever get his name wrong again. Candace ends up destroying the robotic hand with her red rocket (from Phineas' and Ferb's kiddie ride). Perry takes the fallen arm and smacks Doofenshmirtz with it, knocking him into the aerosol cans and then into his slicked-up pitfall trap.
"Not Phineas and Ferb" Shrink-inator Ray
Shrink-inator Ray

Doofenshmirtz plans to shrink objects, including famous landmarks from around the world, for his model train set. Perry shrinks Doof and returns everything back to its former place.
"Phineas and Ferb-Busters!" Straitjacket-inator
Replacement Robot
Robot Small
Robot Big

Doofenshmirtz builds a replacement for Norm and makes an inator that traps Perry in a straitjacket. Perry escapes from the straitjacket. A shock wave shocks the Replacement Robot, turning him huge and rogue. Luckily, Norm 'accidentally' shorts it out by spilling cocoa.
"The Lizard Whisperer" Gigantinator

Jeremy teaches Doofenshmirtz to play a certain song on the guitar, which the latter intends to use to summon an alien army. Jeremy accidentally flips what appears to be a light switch, but actually is what fires Doof’s Gigantinator, which hits the boys' chameleon, Steve. The giant Steve eats the Omni-Directional-Amplifinator, thinking it's a mushroom.
"Robot Rodeo" Eradicate-Rodney's-Inator-inator

Doofenshmirtz enters the second annual Inator Creator contest, wanting to win against Rodney, who won the previous contest. To buy himself time to finish his creation, he uses a fog machine to obscure everyone's vision. When Rodney's Fog Clearer-inator (an electric fan) blows away the fog, he tells the captured animal agents how to escape so they'll cause a distraction. Doof uses his Inator to destroy Rodney's inator after the agents destroyed all the rest, causing Doof to win by default. However, rampaging Robo-Bulls soon destroy Doof's Inator as well.
"The Beak" Doof's Fake Mayor Video
Doof asserts he is in charge

Instead of building something, Doofenshmirtz merely asserts that he is in charge, under the hope that everyone is too lazy to stop him. At first, the O.W.C.A. falls for it, but Doof later reveals that the video was only a bluff. However, the scheme gives Roger the idea of making him temporary mayor so he'll take the fall for failing to defend the city from Khaka Peu Peu's giant robot. Doof doesn't do anything with his mayoral power before being distracted by the chance to steal the robot and use it himself, at which point Perry gets in the Beak suit and defeats him.
"She's the Mayor" Accelerate-inator

Dr. Doofenshmirtz is scheduled to play golf with his brother, but since he hates the game, he creates the Accelerate-inator to speed things along. However, he is unaware that his invention also has the ability to open up holes to other dimensions. His device seems to work initially, but starts to malfunction and eventually reverses time back to before he used it, at which point a giant other-dimensional alien baby smashes it with a giant hammer.
"The Lemonade Stand" Paper-Cut-inator

Dr. Doofenshmirtz creates a "Paper-Cut-Inator" so that he can make trillions selling bandages. Doof accidentally gives himself a bunch of paper cuts when the Inator explodes, the pain of which is worsened when an arriving Vanessa accidentally spills lemonade onto him, much to Vanessa's dismay.
"Phineas and Ferb Hawaiian Vacation" De-Evolution-ator

Dr. Doofenshmirtz tries to make the population less intelligent with his De-Evolution-ator. Doof makes the Sand-inator, which is both made of sand and intended to make sand wedge itself into people's swim trunks. The De-Evolution-ator is disabled after making Doof's head grow large. A wave destroys the inator, getting sand wedged in Doof's swim trunks.
"Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You!" Giant Water Balloon
Giant Water Balloon

Dr. Doofenshmirtz takes a father-daughter trip to Tokyo with Vanessa, only to splash a water balloon on the International Good Guy Convention and blame Major Monogram for it. It misses its target after Doofenshmirtz accidentally steps on the remote.
"Nerds of a Feather" Doof 'n' Puss
Doof 'n' Puss

He tries to pitch a TV show to an executive at the science fiction & fantasy convention, hoping to gain loyal fans who will help him take over the Tri-State Area. After the TV executive suggests that the character based on Perry be given a girlfriend in the show, Doofenshmirtz storms off.
"Wizard of Odd" Brat-Begone-inator

He plays the role of a witch/warlock in Candace's dream. He builds an inator to destroy Candace and get her boots for himself. Candace escapes before it fires. Eventually, she gives the boots to him, but he is later smashed by a falling house.
"We Call it Maze" Tilt-inator

Dr. Doofenshmirtz tries to lean his building in order to make it a tourist attraction like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, after which he plans to lean every other building so that the Leaning Tower of Pisa isn't special anymore, then straighten out his own so that it’s the only straight building in the world. Perry first closes the screen of the space station, then jams the Tilt-inator with a snow globe, causing it to shoot everywhere and make the space station spin wildly.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem!" Alien-inator

Dr. Doofenshmirtz is trying to conquer the Tri-state area using alien holograms and a "king of the aliens" costume. In addition to projecting holograms, the Alien-inator is programmed to fight back when Perry tries to interfere with it. Perry turns back to pet mode, causing the Alien-inator to no longer recognize him, and then knocks it out of place, putting the holographic aliens in the concert for Max Modem. It then blows up.
"The Secret of Success" Telethon of Evil
Telethon of Evil

He hosts a telethon of evil in an attempt to get funding for future schemes. After he chases Phineas and Ferb's car, his jet skiff crashes into his building, technically foiling his plan. Also, since he only manages to raise $23, the telethon probably lost him money overall.
"The Doof Side of the Moon" Lunar-Rotate-inator

Dr. Doofenshmirtz builds a machine that rotates the moon. This is supposed to make the dark side of the moon face the earth, so that the spike in background evil from werewolves during the full moon will stop making him look less evil than usual by comparison. Though the inator succeeds in rotating the moon, the dark side doesn't move. The giant building knocks the machine over and crashes it to the ground. After learning that moonlight is just reflected light from the sun, Doof concludes that the dark side would have moved if he'd rotated the sun instead.
"Split Personality" Look-Away-inator

Dr. Doofenshmirtz intends to make everyone turn their heads so people won't be looking at him as he attempts to get over his fear of the high-dive at the pool, despite the consequences this will have for people doing important things elsewhere. Succeeds in doing so, but as he plunges into the water, it splashes on the machine, causing it to short out. He also remembers after landing in the pool that he can't swim, but Perry throws him one of the life preservers used for his trap while escaping.
"Brain Drain" De-Volition-inator

Dr. Doofenshmirtz controls Perry with a remote and helmet. After attempting to recharge the remote's battery, Doof loses control to Phineas, Ferb, and their friends, who proceed to beat him up thinking he's a boss in their video game. Perry then puts the helmet on him and uses it to stop him from embarrassing Vanessa in front of her friends.
"Rollercoaster: The Musical!" Magnetism Magnif-inator
Magnetism Magnif-inator

Just like in his first escapade, he is attempting to reverse the rotation of the earth, only this time with a Magnetism Magnif-inator. The results are the same as the first time.
"Make Play" Super-Claw-inator

He plans to use the claw to grab the new opera house his brother Roger is supposed to be unveiling. Doofenshmirtz grabs the boys' giant jukebox instead and drops it on top of the opera house, actually making it better.
"Candace Gets Busted" Go-Away-inator

He plans to withdraw the building blocking his view of the drive-in movie screen across the street and send it somewhere undesirable. Doofenshmirtz shoots an unintentional shot and sends lots of party-goers to his pants. He later gets Perry to push the reverse button to send the party-goers back where they came from. Offscreen, Perry uses his pants to tie him up and presumably disables the inator somehow before leaving.

See also[]
