"Let's round us up some cows! Come on, Isabella! Yee-haw!" — Phineas[src] |
The Cattle Drive is a cowboy herding performed by Phineas and Ferb to corral a domestic cattle stampede in the urban region proximities.
Phineas and Ferb are mounting small horses in a ranch attraction, with the former augmenting the experience by watching a western flick on a video player. Observing her riveted children, Linda snaps a shot of the tame action, leaving them freely at the carnival for a couple of hours. Promising not to bother a gossiping Candace, the boys are guided out of the activity to greet Isabella, for whom they appropriately demonstrate the marvels of the old-fashioned buckaroo lifestyle, thoroughly captivating her.
Out of nowhere, a pack of ravenous termites devastates the park's wooden buildings, following Candace into the barnyard, where cows peacefully reside. Her panicked attitude, coupled with the place's shredding, startles the herd into rushing towards the metropolitan zone. Witnessing the chaos, Phineas and Ferb decide to trail the cattle by maneuvering the freed ponies, accompanied by Isabella guiding a cute mare. Running away, the teenager tumbles onto a mud pit, escaping the wild stampede now escorted by the trio.
Venturing to downtown, the cow group heads into the mall, trampling over the confused populace in a mad dash within the locale's confinements. The gang evacuates the herd after a tasty meal, grabbing the focus of Candace, who bikes downward right beside an emporium, from which she buys a sham whistle in a halting attempt. Passing over a cliff slide, the adventurous kids get the farm animals on the fair limits, rounding them up thanks to a makeshift structure formed out of fallen coaster parts ("The Magnificent Few").
The Cattle Drive is a rancher escapade embracing suitable elements for the cavalry; Phineas wears a brown felt hat, a brown jacket, a red scarf, a black belt with a gold buckle, black and white boots, and an orange lead line, Ferb sports a black felt hat and a purple lead line, and Isabella dons a beige felt hat and a pink lead line. Respectively, they ride equines of brown coat with a black mane, tan coat with a dark yellow mane, and white coat with a light yellow mane.
The Cattle Drive is a cattle movement concentrated on the downtown region. The subject cows at first run across the outskirts, embarking in the metro to reach the streets. From there, the bovids go into the popular shopping center, passing by a clothing store, the elevators, the escalators, and the food court. A sorted grouping is formed before exiting, enabling a uniform entourage headed back to the farm, although it is temporarily diffused for some water fun along the way.
Background Information[]
- Isabella joins the boys at the carnival because she earned the Milking Patch beforehand while there.
- Throughout the day, Phineas and Isabella talk in a western-esque dialect, reminiscent of model animal herders. One of the expressions said by them is "yee-haw", the famous rebel yell associated with the native folk.
- Among the cool cowboy acts mentioned by Phineas, there is living in the open range, riding, roping, busting broncos, spitting, and fording a stream. The latter is achieved in the water park.
- Two small horses are available at the riding exhibit, both mounted by Phineas and Ferb. Isabella takes a unicorn lookalike standing by in a backlot grassy terrain.
- Accessing the wardrobe shop, the cows mimic the exaggerated sprinting of people for a discount promotion. A specimen furthers this etiquette analogy by appreciating its look on a mirror.
- Apparently, at least one road sign is updated to alarm citizens of the occuring stampede, as shown during Candace's biking detour. It includes a notice not to use horns, referring to the auditory sensitivity of cattle, hence why they become agitated due to Ferb's strumming break.
- The bovine marketplace's owner messes with Candace by offering a silly wolf puppet, before suggesting a silent flute. He closes the store shortly after the item's failure, not wanting to refund a customer.
- Candace tries to get her mother, who is at a beauty appointment, to turn around so that the passerby cows can be viewed, only for the milk truck to block the panorama.
- While entertaining themselves in the water slide, the herd is shown with skiing equipment, a bicycle, and a superhero cape. They create an udder fountain as an unusual finale.
- The corral randomly established in the end consists of 23 planks and a gray coaster outline next to a brown fence.
- The Cattle Drive is chronicled by Candace in her parnsnip testimony to the crochet mothers ("Jerk De Soleil").
- The Cattle Drive is remembered by Candace during her relating of Phineas and Ferb's antics to Linda, in which it is exemplified with a cowboy hat and rope ("Rollercoaster: The Musical!").
- The Cattle Drive is seen in the montage of clips used by Buford in his video dedicated to Phineas ("Phineas' Birthday Clip-O-Rama!").
- The Cattle Drive is alluded to in a conversation between Candace and Vanessa on the topic of disappearing objects ("The Doonkelberry Imperative").
- The Cattle Drive is mentioned by Candace on her rant about her brothers' antics, an image of it appearing as she speaks of it (Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe).
- "The Magnificent Few" (First appearance)
- "Jerk De Soleil" (Mentioned only)
- "Rollercoaster: The Musical!" (Mentioned only)
- "Phineas' Birthday Clip-O-Rama!"
- "The Doonkelberry Imperative" (Mentioned only)
- Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe (Mentioned only)
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