Content beginning with the letter A, excluding redirects and disambiguation pages.
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Act Your Age -
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All items (192)
- A Hard Day's Knight and I, Brobot/Credits
- A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas/Credits
- A Sal Tuscany Christmas
- A-G-L-E-T
- ABC Song
- Abominable-inator
- Act Your Age
- Act Your Age/Credits
- Adulting
- Aerial Area Rug
- Age-Accelerator-inator
- Agee Ientee Diogee
- Agent A (aardvark)
- Agent A (ant)
- Agent Alert
- Agent B (bear)
- Agent B (bulldog)
- Agent C
- Agent C (crocodile)
- Agent D (2nd Dimension)
- Agent D (dog)
- Agent D (duck)
- Agent Doof
- Agent Doof and Phineas and Ferb and the Temple of Juatchadoon/Credits
- Agent Double 0-0
- Agent F (fox)
- Agent F (frog)
- Agent H (heron)
- Agent K (2nd Dimension)
- Agent K (kangaroo)
- Agent K (kitty)
- Agent Kitty (2nd Dimension)
- Agent L
- Agent M (monkey)
- Agent M (moose)
- Agent O (octopus)
- Agent O (ostrich)
- Agent O (owl)
- Agent P (disambiguation)
- Agent P (pig)
- Agent P (possum)
- Agent P and The Puzzle-Inator
- Agent P DoofenDASH
- Agent P Strikes Back
- Agent P Super Spy Marathon
- Agent P Super Spy-A-Thon
- Agent P's Guide to Fighting Evil
- Agent P's Hideout - Spy Simulation
- Agent P's Top 10 Saves
- Agent P's Top-Secret Joke Book
- Agent P's World Showcase Adventure
- Agent P: Rebel Spy
- Agent P: Return of the Platypus
- Agent R (2nd Dimension)
- Agent R (rabbit)
- Agent R (raccoon)
- Agent R (rat)
- Agent R (rhinoceros)
- Agent Rat (2nd Dimension)
- Agent S (snake)
- Agent S (squirrel)
- Agent T (For Teen)
- Agent T (sea turtle)
- Agent T (tadpole)
- Agent T (turkey)
- Agent W (whale)
- Agent W (worm)
- Agent W Theme
- Agent X
- Agents F (koi)
- Aglet Awareness
- Ain't Got Rhythm
- Ain't No Kiddie Ride
- Ain't No Kiddie Ride (song)
- Alabama Bound
- Albert Du Bois (1903)
- Albert the Moose
- Albert the Moose's Butler
- Alien Heart
- All About…
- All Systems Go!
- All Terrain Vehicle
- All Terrain Vehicle (song)
- All the Convoluted Reasons We Pretend to be Divorced
- All the Convoluted Reasons We Pretend to be Divorced/Multilanguage
- All-Terrain Transformatron
- Allusions/Season 1
- Allusions/Season 2
- Allusions/Season 3
- Allusions/Season 4
- Alex Almaguer
- Aloha Oe
- Alouette
- Also Sprach Zarathustra
- Altar of the Mysterious Force
- Altron
- Amanda Johnson
- Amnesia-inator
- And the Animals Go
- Animal Agents
- Animal Agents' Birthday Song
- Animal Borgs
- Animal Translator
- Animash
- Animatin' Rap
- Answer This
- Anti-Gravity Fun Launcher
- Anti-Gravity Maximus
- Anti-Gravity Ray
- Anti-Romance Rocket
- Antius Maximus
- Ants
- Appetite for Adventure
- April
- Aqua Primates
- Are You My Mummy?
- Are You My Mummy? and Flop Starz/Credits
- Aren't You a Little Young?
- Arlene
- Army of Me
- Around the World Marathon
- Ask a Foolish Question
- Ask a Foolish Question and Misperceived Monotreme/Credits
- At the Car Wash
- Atlantis
- Atlantis (song)
- Attack of the 50 Foot Sister
- Attack of the 50 Foot Sister and Backyard Aquarium/Credits
- Attack of the Ferb Snatchers!
- Audition Medley
- August
- Aunt Effie
- Awesome