Phineas and Ferb Wiki
Phineas and Ferb Wiki
Phineas and Ferb Wiki
This article is about Carla. You may be looking for Carla Arcuri.

Carla is the unpaid intern of Wanda Acronym's division of the Agency.


Admiral Acronym uses Carla's intel to give Pinky his mission. Carla explains to them that Professor Poofenplotz is putting up her research over royal jelly in the bee community for her next scheme. She then leaves, announcing that Acronym's coffee is ready. Afterwards, Wanda tells Pinky to verify Carla's research ("Bee Story").

Physical appearance[]

Similar to Carl, she is light-skinned and has reddish-brown hair, dark green eyes, and freckles. She wears a white shirt with three buttons and purple framed aluminum glasses.


Much like Carl, she is dedicated. She researches Poofenplotz's schemes and helps her boss in other ventures.


Admiral Acronym[]

Carla's relationship with Admiral Acronym is similar to that of Carl and Major Monogram. Carla helps Wanda with miscellaneous supplies, such as coffee, and prepares Pinky's mission.

Agent Pinky[]

Carla aids Pinky by explaining his mission. She likely provides equipment for him, like Carl does for Perry.

Background Information[]

  • According to Wanda, Carla comes from "a family of unpaid interns". It is unknown what her relation to Carl is.


v - e - dOrganization Without a Cool Acronym
Francis Monogram | Wanda Acronym | Colonel Contraction (former)
Aardvark | Ant | Armadillo | Bear | Beaver | Bulldog | Chicken | Chupacabra | Crocodile | Dog | Duck
Eagle | Elephant | Fish | Fox | Frog | Gary the Gander | Giraffe | Goat | Gorilla | Harry the Hyena
Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Herman the Hedgehog | Heron | Horse | Kangaroo | Karen the Cat | Kitty | Lion
Lizard | Lyla Lolliberry | Maggie the Macaw | Manny the Mongoose | Monkey | Moose | Mouse
Newton the Gnu | Octopus | Ostrich | Owl | Perry the Platypus | Peter the Panda | Pig | Pinky the Chihuahua
Planty the Potted Plant | Porcupine | Possum | Rabbit | Raccoon | Rat | Reindeer | Rhinoceros
Sergei the Snail | Snake | Squirrel | Tadpole | Terry the Turtle | Sea Turtle | Whale | Worm | Xylophone | Zebra
Carl Karl | Carla | Director Dipthong
Former Agents
Norm | Turkey | Dennis the Rabbit
Equipment and technology | Standard Welcome Package