"This biosphere can simulate almost any environment. Can we cook or can't we?" — Phineas[src] |
The Biosphere is a giant spherical dome built by Phineas and Ferb to allow Isabella and the Fireside Girls to earn patches during a rainy day.
Isabella and the Fireside Girls come over to the Flynn-Fletcher house on a rainy day, saddened due to the weather preventing them from earning the desert trekking patch. Wanting to cheer them up, Phineas and Ferb set out to build something to help. Some time after, they present the biosphere, inside which Ferb demonstrates its environment-changing capabilities, simulating a desert area to begin with. As the girls proceed to complete their tasks, Jeremy notices the dome and decides to have a picnic with Candace in there.
Clearing the desert, the girls wonder if the boys can replicate a rainforest zone for another patch. Phineas and Ferb oblige, surprising the scouts with a tropical jungle, wherein they continue their mission. At the same time, Candace and Jeremy ride down the river using an umbrella as a raft. Later, at Isabella's request, the boys switch to a mountain biome for some rock climbing, during which Candace gives in to her busting urge.
Atop the hill, Phineas offers hang gliders to the girls as an extra activity. Candace nearly falls off a cliff whilst chasing her brothers, but is saved by her boyfriend, who subsequently floats out of the biosphere with her. Ultimately, the dome is picked up by the Rain-inator before Linda can see it ("The Great Indoors").
The Biosphere is a giant spherical dome with a six-pointed star pattern in its exterior. The interior is composed of hexagonal tiles, having a grey red-tipped lever under one of the floor pieces near the entrance.
The Biosphere uses a lever system to alter the biomes as desired. Turning one on activates the tiles containing the materials that comprise the specific environment, such as sand for the desert, plants for the forest, and rocks for the mountain. The outer pieces then become transparent, and extra elements are added to complete the set up, like a fake sun and a water flow. Within each zone, certain items are projected to appear, complying with the requirements for the accomplishment patches.
Background Information[]
- The Biosphere's name is derived from "biome" and "sphere", referring to its theme and appearance, respectively.
- Phineas states that the Biosphere can simulate almost any environment. It is unknown what the exceptions are.
- In the desert, the Fireside Girls get water from a cactus, witness a mirage, learn the difference between sun stroke and heat stroke, and milk a camel, whereas they could have also collected a sand sample or measured the temperature, as listed by Isabella.
- In actuality, sun stroke and heat stroke are synonyms for the same condition.
- In the rainforest, one of the Fireside Girls' goals seems to be finding a new species of insect, judging from their actions prior to the river accident.
- Throughout their adventures in the Biosphere, the Fireside Girls earn the Desert Trekking, Rainforest Navigation, Swift Water Rescue, Concussion First Aid, and Rock Climbing patches.
- When they finish exploring the forest, Isabella declares that they have earned the Jungle Navigation patch instead of Rainforest Navigation.
- The kids' outfits change for each area; they wear thawbs for the desert, explorer attire for the forest, and climbing gear for the mountain.
- During the biome explorations, Adyson gets hurt once per environment; she acquires heat stroke, is caught up in a current of water, and is hit in the head by a rock. These are all demonstrations of her accident-proneness.
- According to Phineas, the hill in the mountain zone is called "Mount Ferbius". It consists of papier-mâché rocks, as stated by Jeremy.
- "The Great Indoors" (First appearance)
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