This is the list of Big Ideas in Season 2.
Episode | Image | Big Idea | Disappearance | Notes |
"The Lake Nose Monster" | ![]() |
They build a boat to find proof of the existence of Nosey, the Lake Nose Monster. | The undersea lab was destroyed by interference from Doofenshmirtz's lab.
Marco Schnozolo was destroyed by Nosy. Phineas and Ferb decide not to reveal the existence of the Lake Nose Monster. |
While its existence is supposed to be kept a secret, Phineas mentions the Lake Nose Monster in a later adventure. |
"Interview With a Platypus" | ![]() |
They build an animal translator to help all the Danville animals with their complaints, but fail to hear what Perry says. | It doesn't disappear, but doesn't work when Linda sees it. | The plan was originally for Perry. |
"Tip of the Day" | ![]() |
They increase public awareness of the aglet. | Doofenshmirtz intends to erase an embarrassing viral video from every mind in the Tri-State Area, but accidentally erases aglets instead. Only Candace is not affected, due to not thinking of aglets in the first place. | This is the first time Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Baljeet, and Buford perform on stage together. |
"Attack of the 50 Foot Sister" | ![]() |
They help Baljeet win the biggest-watermelon contest at the fair with a growth elixir. | The growth elixir falls into Doofenshmirtz's hands, who thinks it's his dirty nappy smell and puts it in his Smell-inator, causing the whole universe to grow to an enormous size. | Baljeet asks Phineas and Ferb to help him because they had assisted him with the portal to Mars. |
"Backyard Aquarium" | ![]() |
They put on an aquarium water show with many different sea animals. | Doofenshmirtz's Hot Dog Vendor Revenge-inator hits the water, freezing it. Candace then leans against it, causing it to slide into the ocean. | The show is organized for Goldie, Phineas and Ferb's new pet goldfish. |
"Day of the Living Gelatin" | ![]() |
They create giant gelatin mold in Isabella's pool. | The gelatin monster goes down the drain, causing Phineas, Ferb and their friends to believe it's been defeated. However, it was really Doofenshmirtz calling it. It was later disintegrated by the fire extinguishers. | They later try to defeat it due to the mold becoming an evil monster. |
"Elementary My Dear Stacy" | ![]() |
They make a water slide around Big Ben and the London Eye. | Doofenshmirtz's Big Ben rocket succeeds in a small take-off, destroying the slide. The rocket then lands again at Perry's command. | This is Phineas and Ferb's second water slide. |
"Don't Even Blink" | ![]() |
They make a fun carnival ride that spins the user around. | Doofenshmirtz's Invisinator zaps it, turning it invisible. Doofenshmirtz later hits it with his disintegrator ray | Phineas and Ferb make it for the purpose of finding out where their creations disappear to. |
"Chez Platypus" | ![]() |
They build a trendy exclusive restaurant named Chez Platypus, which fails to succeed for the new "Badger Restaurants". | A company buys it and takes it away. | Their idea was inspired by a French restaurant Phineas and Ferb found disappointing. |
"Perry Lays an Egg" | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
They find an egg they think is Perry's and build a Platy-posterior in order to nurture it, but the machine is later replaced by Candace. | N/A | Before they found the egg their plan was to make it the sunniest day possible which didn't change anything. Candace got in trouble for this. |
"Gaming the System" | ![]() |
They recreate a video game and increment it by adding immersion features. | The final boss exits the game and crushes it; however, the Digitizer apparatus still stands, so Isabella uses it to send the enemy back into the virtual world. | This is the first time Phineas and Ferb are severely injured, even to the point of death. They survive because they still have four game lives left. |
"The Chronicles of Meap" | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
They fix Meap's ship in order for him to go back home, after it crashed on earth, and defeat Mitch. Amidst the repairs, the boys' alien friend goes missing, so Phineas sets up a cuteness meter to track Meap down. | N/A | Before meeting Meap, they play baseball with a gadget they invented that can control the ball. |
"Thaddeus and Thor" | ![]() |
They build a backyard fort to see whose inventions are better. | Phineas and Ferb turn the extension off to avoid zoning laws. It's unknown how they took the fort apart afterwards. | The idea of a fort is brought up Linda in the Original Pitch. This is the first project that Candace made the boys do to compete with Thaddeus and Thor. |
"De Plane! De Plane!" | ![]() |
They build a huge airplane made of paper mache called the Paper Pelican. | It lands in the water and dissolves. | Later on, When the Paper Pelican descended into the lake, it began to dissolve in the water because it is after all made of paper mache. It was made to beat the Spruce Goose. |
"Let's Take a Quiz" | ![]() |
The boys create a game show. | Doofenshmirtz's old Shrink-inator hits the set. | Candace and Buford are the contestants in the show. |
"At the Car Wash" | ![]() |
The boys help the Fireside Girls raise money to save the Starnose Mole by building a car wash. They also use their rotating swing set. | Doofenshmirtz's Mountain Out of a Molehill-inator hits the molehill underneath it, causing the Starnose Mole to grow; it picks up the car wash, and walks off with it. | Jeremy invites Candace for a ride through the car wash in his mom's car. |
"Oh, There You Are, Perry" | ![]() ![]() |
Perry gets relocated to a new nemesis and a new family. Distraught, Phineas and Ferb use their platypus-attracting system to try and find him, and later sing a song to bring him home. | N/A | Perry is reassigned to his original family and nemesis at the end of the day. |
"Swiss Family Phineas" | ![]() |
The family and Isabella get stranded on an island, so they build a Swiss-style treehouse for survival. | The nearby volcano 'erupts' with 'pink lava', washing it away. | Candace needs to get home in time for Jeremy's party. |
"Hide and Seek" | ![]() |
The boys shrink themselves and their friends down to microscopic size to play an indoor game of hide and seek. | Doofenshmirtz self-destructs one of his inventions, which happens to be near the machine. | The invention utilizes technology from their previous shrinking adventure. |
"That Sinking Feeling" | ![]() ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb help Baljeet impress his childhood friend Mishti with a romantic cruise. | A lighthouse rocket crashes into it, making it sink. | Mishti is one of Baljeet's friends from India. |
"The Baljeatles" | ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb help Baljeet to rock out for the Summer Rocks camp. | N/A | Phineas, Ferb, and Buford become part of the Baljeatles. |
"Vanessassary Roughness" | ![]() |
Ferb acquires some Pizzazium Infinionite for Vanessa, but Buford, Baljeet, Perry, Stacy, and Candace are after it too. Phineas relaxes in a massage chair. | Ferb helps Vanessa get the chemical for her dad to prove herself that she's responsible. | |
"No More Bunny Business" | ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb make X-ray specs that actually use X-rays. |
X-Ray Glasses: A rogue rabbit agent uses the glasses to discover the entry to spy headquarters, hastily throwing them away afterwards. It's unknown if the glasses still stood. |
They order a truckload of carrots to charge up the apparel. |
Carrots: Perry activates a wide lair opening to drop all the carrots below the ground to defeat the rogue agent with temptation. | ||||
"Spa Day" | ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb construct a spa. | Doofenshmirtz's new kitten, Mr. Fluffy Pants, accidentally uses Doofenshmirtz's old Destruct-inator Ray to destroy the spa. | Candace and Stacy build a house with Jeremy before they go to Phineas and Ferb's spa. |
"Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo" | Phineas and Ferb use the time machine used in "It's About Time!" to go to the future to find a tool that hasn't been made yet. Phineas and Ferb run into the future Candace and her kids. | N/A |
The future Candace takes the time machine to bust Phineas and Ferb for building the roller coaster, but it ends up creating a bad future ruled by Doofenshmirtz. They are seen doing activities from the series' theme song. The past Isabella uses the time machine to give the tool to the present day boys, creating a time loop. | |
"Musical Cliptastic Countdown" | ![]() ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb make an unseen device. | This is the first time a new project is seen since the boys appear for some seconds asking where Perry is. | |
"Bubble Boys" | ![]() |
They create a giant bubble that they can travel through town in. | The bubble eventually pops and they land in the park. It is unknown what happens to the machine. | The idea of the flight is suggested by Buford. |
"Isabella and the Temple of Sap" | ![]() |
Isabella and the Fireside Girls get sap from a tree to help Phineas and Ferb make the bubble. | N/A | Ginger admits her liking of Baljeet. |
"Cheer Up Candace" | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb try to cheer Candace up with a bizarre beautifying, a comedy club, and a mixing machine after Jeremy cancels a date. | Schloko: Doesn't disappear, but Candace rejects her new clown look.
Ha-Ha Hut: N/A Mix N' Mingler: Debris from Doofenshmirtz's Perry robots causes the mingler to spin too fast, destroying it. |
Before the animating mission, they build a replica of the Temple of Angkor Wat out of playing cards. |
"Fireside Girl Jamboree" | ![]() ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb assist Candace in becoming a Fireside Girl by plotting an optimized patch course. The previous day had been their "biggest project ever", but little is seen of it. | The roller coaster disappears when Doofenshmirtz hits it with his Metal Destruct-inator, turning it into broccoli. | Candace only does it to go to a sold-out concert, though this is not actually necessary as Isabella could bring guests. In order to earn the Delivering Cupcakes Patch, the boys build their second roller coaster. |
"The Bully Code" | ![]() |
The boys build a giant contraption that puts the life of Baljeet in great peril as soon as he stands on the X, so that Buford will save his life. | It doesn't disappear; Linda sees it, thinking it is public art. | They do this because Baljeet had saved Buford's life, inadvertently submitting to the bully code, by which Buford becomes Baljeet's slave. |
"Finding Mary McGuffin" | ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb help Candace to retrieve her doll, which is accidentally sold off to Doofenshmirtz. | N/A | Vanessa wants it too. The doll is discontinued. |
"Picture This" | ![]() |
The boys create a graphic teleporter after Ferb leaves a skateboard back in England. | Perry uses it to transport Doofenshmirtz's new invention there, which then self-destructs. | They utilize the technology to aid their friends in finding lost items. |
"Nerdy Dancin'" | Phineas and Ferb "teach" Jeremy how to dance using a metal exoskeleton. | N/A | Jeremy and Candace are entered in "Let's All Dance Until We're Sick." | |
"What Do It Do?" | ![]() ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb figure out what an invention does using reverse-engineering. | The first rocket takes off after the arm that Perry used to get past the traps accidentally hits a red button. Ironically enough, it promptly falls in love with the second one and they take off together. | It is Doofenshmirtz's anti-romance invention. It lands in Phineas and Ferb's front yard. |
"Atlantis" | ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb and their friends go to the beach and find the lost city of Atlantis. | When they take it to the surface with giant helium balloons, spines from Doofenshmirtz's evil plants pop them so it sinks again. Irving took photos, but his camera was stolen by an eel; when he tried to take imaginary photos, he realized he left his thumb in front of the lens. |
Irving is included in the adventure because he went into Phineas and Ferb's car while their mom got gas. |
"Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation!" | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb thank Santa by decorating Danville and making a rest stop for him. After the effects of Doofenshmirtz's Naughty-inator, Phineas and Ferb release a song to get the attention of Santa Claus. | Santa takes the rest stop to the North Pole as a clubhouse. It is unknown how everything else disappears. | They later decide to save Christmas for the Danville area. |
"Just Passing Through" | ![]() |
Linda loses her guitar pick, so Phineas and Ferb make an orb that goes through anything to locate it. | A steamroller runs it over. | This invention saves the kids' life by allowing a steamroller to safely pass through them. |
"Candace's Big Day" | ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb help throw a wedding for Uncle Bob and Aunt Tiana. | Doofenshmirtz's Junk Food-inator hits the ice slide and melts it, but the sculptures remain intact. | Candace acts as the chief planner for the event, reluctantly ordering her siblings to aid her in the process. |
"I Was a Middle Aged Robot" | ![]() |
Candace and Lawrence participate in a competition, so Phineas, Ferb, and the Fireside Girls build a blimp to cheer on the duo. | A nail from Doofenshmirtz's plane pops it. | The airship is run by the energy exercise. It includes a 360º Fun Bounce corridor. |
"Suddenly Suzy" | ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb build a replica of Niagara Falls so they can ride a barrel over it. | Buford sticks some Tuff Gum to the top, making it stick to Doofenshmirtz's Carbon Footprint-inator. | They get the idea while under a broken sprinkler, which Linda mentions looks like Niagara Falls.
Candace tries to get her brothers to bust themselves. |
"Undercover Carl" | ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb build the Anti-Gravity Fun Launcher, but Carl intercepts their plans assuming that they are working for Doofenshmirtz, so he is sent undercover to figure out what they are doing. | Doofenshmirtz steals it after his one is taken away by the police. | They are inspired to defy gravity under the prospect of challenging universal laws. |
"Hip Hip Parade" | ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb decide to help build floats for all the neighborhood kids in the yearly Unification Day Parade. | Doofenshmirtz's Duplic-8-inator hits the balloons above them the floats, so they float away. | Candace is out with Linda all day and had promised not to obsess about the boys, but seeing the parade go by makes the temptation too irresistible. |
"Invasion of the Ferb Snatchers" | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
After watching a sci-fi movie marathon, Candace becomes convinced that Ferb is an alien, but it is revealed that Phineas and Ferb built a spacecraft for Garbog, an actual alien friend of Meap's. |
The launchpad that Phineas and Ferb made was wrapped up in a nice little bow because it was shot by Doofenshmirtz's Wrapped Up in a Nice Little Bow Inator. |
In the end, Ferb is not an alien, and there are logical explanations for all of her proofs. For example, Candace thought she saw Ferb's head floating in liquid in a jar, but the jar only contained the liquid and Ferb was standing behind it; and when Candace thought she saw Ferb's head ripped off, but she had mistaken him for a cord in a tent. |
"Ain't No Kiddie Ride" | ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb trick out kiddie rides at a store. | The rides are taken away and replaced with brand new identical ones. | Candace ends up flying around town uncontrollably, and the boys and their friends have to save her. |
"Not Phineas and Ferb" | Phineas and Ferb go to the movies, but Baljeet and Buford pose as Phineas and Ferb beside a giant hologram of the boys' Eiffel Tower construction. |
Baljeet: He turns off the projector. |
This is done for Irving's brother Albert because he doesn't believe that Phineas and Ferb are anything special. | |
Perry: He re-shrinks the Eiffel Tower and lifts it back up. | ||||
"Phineas and Ferb-Busters!" | Phineas and Ferb create an unlimited power supply to propel a group of cyclone-like vehicles known as the Spinning Tops of Doom. |
Amusement park thing: Unknown |
Candace could've easily busted the boys in this episode, but because she was waiting for a signal from Stacy and Jenny in the backyard (which never came; their headsets were destroyed), the tops disappeared. In the beginning, they show an amusement park type thing containing their third Roller coaster. ("Rollercoaster", "Fireside Girl Jamboree") | |
Spinning tops: Buford turns the power supply up to Danger, so the tops end up flying away. | ||||
"The Lizard Whisperer" | ![]() |
The boys build a Frozen Yogurt Machine to last them the summer. After finishing it, they spy a chameleon and decide to keep him as a pet. | Giant Steve: Doofenshmirtz accidentally turns on his Gigantinator Ray and shrinks Steve back to his normal size. | This invention is built at the start of the episode and is quickly destroyed when Steve grows to a gigantic size. |
Frozen Yogurt Machine: Giant Steve steps on it, crushing it. | ||||
"Robot Rodeo" | ![]() |
The boys host a rodeo with robot bulls. | The bulls are enraged by a red balloon. When the kid lets go of it, the bulls chase it, taking the rodeo with them. | Isabella's hair gets frizzy. |
"The Beak" | A super villain arrives in Danville to challenge Phineas and Ferb after the boys are mistaken as a superhero (while wearing an indestructible suit they designed to safely conquer their newly built extreme skate-track) known as The Beak. With the super villain wreaking havoc, it's up to Phineas and Ferb to thwart him. |
Skate Track: To stop flying, the Beak uses his grappling hook to latch onto the skate park, knocking it down. |
They initially built a super skate ramp of doom. After realizing the dangers of the ramp, they build a super suit to protect themselves. | |
The Beak Suit: After Phineas and Ferb reveal they're the Beak, Perry uses the suit to defeat Doofenshmirtz. | ||||
"She's the Mayor" | ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb build an authentic log cabin and a pioneer village using only their dad's antique collection of pioneer tools. | Doofenshmirtz's Accelerate-inator rewinds time and eventually rips it to shreds, creating a new, alternate dimension. | This is the fourth time that Candace busts her brothers, though the giant time-lapse erases the event. |
"The Lemonade Stand" | ![]() ![]() |
After Candace suggests them to think of something normal to do for a change, they build a very typical lemonade stand, and begin to offer franchise opportunities. | The robot is cut by Doofenshmirtz's Paper Cut-inator. Lemon juice pours into the cut, destroying the robot, and consequently ending the business. Ferb presses a button which flips the backyard over, hiding the robot before Linda arrives. | In order for Phineas and Ferb to produce the lemonade, they create a giant robot-like machine. |
"Phineas and Ferb Hawaiian Vacation" |
Part I: Phineas and Ferb buy Aqua Primates and use their growth elixir to make them grow to be human sized. |
Part I: Doofenshmirtz's De-Evolutionator, which is set on reverse, hits the A-Primes, evolving them into humans. |
Part I: The growth elixir was used on Baljeet's watermelon, Candace and the whole universe in "Attack of the 50 Foot Sister"
| |
Part II: They help Candace make it to the top of Mount Wa Ta Lot Ta Hoie. | Part II: N/A | |||
"Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs to You!" | ![]() ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb build the Sun-Beater 3000 and fly around the world in one day. The day before, they make a jump-roping robot. | Jump-Roping Robot: Not shown, but it is caught on the tail of the airplane Doofenshmirtz and Vanessa ride to Tokyo.
Sun-Beater 3000: It is gradually destroyed as they go along until only the seats are left. |
They carry out this plan to honor the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. |
"Nerds of a Feather" | Phineas and Ferb head to the Tri-State Area's annual fantasy and sci-fi convention to meet their hero, special effects guru Clive Addison, with whom they team up to stop a fandom quarrel. | N/A | Their plan gets sidetracked when they are swept into a duel between fantasy fans and sci-fi geeks. | |
"Wizard of Odd" | ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb clean the household by spinning it. They later build a giant unicycle. | During the dream, they build several alternate routes for Candace, but she refuses to go on any of them. | |
"We Call it Maze" | Phineas and Ferb build a challenging labyrinth in their backyard. | Doofenshmirtz's Tilt-inator causes it to roll away. | Its inspiration comes from a boring cereal puzzle. | |
"Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem!" | Phineas and Ferb decide to turn their father into Max Modem, an unknown singer of an '80s band. | N/A | Lawrence feels depressed because he believes that his wife might forget him owing to her status as a cult star. | |
"The Secret of Success" | After watching a commercial for an all terrain vehicle, Phineas and Ferb build a better model - one that can drive on literally any type of surface. | Doesn't disappear, but Ferb activates Rocket Mode and flies to the moon. It's unknown if it still stood afterwards. | The truck turns into a rocket and flies away before Linda sees it. Candace was the one who gets in trouble because when trying to show it to Linda, she mentions that she was driving it, resulting in Linda punishing her for believing she drove a car without adult supervision. | |
"The Doof Side of the Moon" | Phineas and Ferb decide to build the World's Tallest Building in order to make Danville more popular. | Doofenshmirtz's Lunar Rotate-inator hits the Moon, which the building is attached to, causing it to rotate out of the backyard and away. | Doofenshmirtz's invention drives it away. | |
"Split Personality" | ![]() ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb create a machine that splits an object into its components, but their cover is blown with Candace and her double one (one obsessed with busting, and the other obsessed with Jeremy). | Candace accidentally steps on a rock, which really activates Perry's lair entrance, which the Molecular Separator was stood on. | They have to get the two Candaces before they get in trouble. |
"Brain Drain" | ![]() |
Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, and Baljeet are sick in bed. To pass the time, they, along with Buford, play video games that let them compete against one another. | N/A | Later, they accidentally get the video feed from a junkyard rave where Perry and Doofenshmirtz are fighting. They all control a part of Perry to fight Doofenshmirtz, thinking it is a Perry-based level in the game. |
"Rollercoaster: The Musical!" | ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb build their rollercoaster again, but this time as a musical. | It has the same fate as the previous one. | This is the fourth rollercoaster they build ("Rollercoaster", "Fireside Girl Jamboree", "Phineas and Ferb-Busters!"). |
"Make Play" | ![]() |
Phineas and Ferb build a huge jukebox after Lawrence showcases a regular one to them. | Doofenshmirtz's Super-Claw-inator picks it up and takes it away. | The jukebox is afterwards used at the inauguration of the opera house. |
"Candace Gets Busted" | After Candace's "intimate get together" turns into a house party, they eat potato chips while a crowd cheers them on. | Doofenshmirtz's Go-Away-inator takes away the party, but Perry sets the ray to reverse and brings the party back to the backyard. | Candace asks Phineas and Ferb to stay out of the way, so they don't do anything. In the end when Linda and Lawrence come home, Candace is busted. |