"We gotta do something to get the old Buford back. Maybe we should help him find his fish." — Phineas[src] |
The Beach Submarine is a submarine put together by Phineas and Ferb in an effort to recover Buford's missing goldfish at sea depths.
Phineas and Ferb are erecting a sandcastle model of the Eiffel Tower at the beach alongside the gang, when they hear Buford sobbing nearby. Approaching him, the boys question his sad state, which the bully reveals is because of the loss of his dear goldfish. Grasping the pet's backstory, the brothers find out that it had become lost at sea during a swim session, much to its owner's agony. Inclined to raise their friend's spirit, they proceed to deliberate a means of retrieving the missing animal.
A watercraft is hastily placed in the pier for Phineas and Ferb's quest, pushing a shopping Candace to purchase a snapping camera. As the kids setup the ship, a crying Buford gets stuck in the hatch, being forcibly bumped down by Ferb. Once Phineas enters, his sister sneaks in just before it closes, hiding within while the group examines the ocean scope and communicates with dolphins to acquire directions. With a path in hands, the crew sets sail towards the target, letting their distraught friend mourn.
Listening to intense cries, the boys accelerate the search. Fortunately, the scanner picks up a promising signal in the vicinity, alleviating Buford's worries. He, Phineas, and Ferb dive outside to mount the supporting aquatic mammals into a cove, from where the fish is recovered. Unbeknownst to the kids, a giant squid comes after them on the vessel, capturing almost everyone. His buddy endangered again, the bully stands up to the cephalopod, defeating it in an action that brings him back to normal ("Voyage to the Bottom of Buford").
The Beach Submarine is a watercraft with a light blue hull, a turquoise sail, four turquoise rudders, a white propeller, eight circular cyan windows, and a turquoise periscope. Its interior comprises teal plates, a teal inside door, a light blue tiled floor, nine blue seats, and teal consoles containing orange, green, white, and light blue panels coupled with red and green buttons.
The Beach Submarine is appropriated as a hunting hub for the underwater expedition. Accompanied by natural echolocators, the sailor squad commanded by captain Phineas uses the radar equipment to search their target's location, receiving an alert on encounter.
Background Information[]
- Throughout the voyage, Buford insistings on giving hugs to his friends, who consistently decline the gesture. This is specifically done three times to Phineas and Ferb.
- Putting the submarine in the water, Phineas comments on the quickness of the process, to which Ferb adds that it regularly takes them a montage to do so.
- The entry order in the watercraft is Isabella, Baljeet, Buford, Ferb, Phineas, and Candace.
- Upon landing inside, Buford admits his sadness to Isabella, and is smacked by a descending Ferb, whose impact calms the crybaby down.
- A picture of the goldfish is shown to the dolphins for recognition. The item is snatched by the bully thereafter, and inserted in the bowl as a memoir.
- Candace is seen taking three shots of the undersea adventure; one from the hatch, one from the back compartment, and one from the main quarters.
- Reuniting with his pet, Buford continues to cry, although of happiness for the occasion.
- When the vessel returns to the dock, Buford exits it first, citing a need to catch up with his goldfish.
- In the end, Candace's camera film is deteriorated after being splashed by a current of water originating from a broken tower.
- The Beach Submarine was an item in the beach map of the Summer Vacation Summerizer. Combining it with the giant squid resulted in an animation of the mollusk attacking it.
- "Voyage to the Bottom of Buford" (First appearance)
Summer Vacation Summerizer (beach)
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