Phineas en Ferb Wiki
Winifred Fletcher
[[File:Winnifred Fletcher|200px]]
Geslacht: Female
Nationaliteit British
Verdere informatie
Profession Retired
Vrienden en familie
Kinderen Lawrence Fletcher (Son)
Echtgenoot Grandpa Reg (Husband)
Achter de schermen
Eerste verschijning A Hard Day's Knight
Stem door Jane Carr

"Dinner's at 19:00. That's 7:00 for you Yankees."
-Winifred in her house.[src]

Winifred Fletcher is the wife of Reginald Fletcher, mother of Lawrence Fletcher, and grandmother of Candace, Ferb, and Phineas. She lives in London with her Husband.

Background Information[]

  • She has a great passion for tea.
  • She is a great fan of the Sherlock Holmes book series and has the complete set of the book series.
  • She wears plugs in her nose because of the smell of her husband's feet.
  • She is nicknamed "Winnie" by Reginald because of her first name.
