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Tri-State Area
A 1/100th scale model of the Tri-State Area
bekende provincies Jefferson County
Bekende steden Danville
Bekende wegen Maple Drive
Political Information
Burgermeester Roger Doofenshmirtz
General Information
Taal English
Bekende burgers Phineas, Ferb and others...
Eerste verschijning Rollercoaster

The Tri-State Area is the name of the metropolitan area surrounding Danville. The evil Dr. Doofenshmirtz often plans to create chaos in this area, not just the city of Danville itself. For such purposes, he built a scale model of the Tri-State Area.

Some businesses and groups have "Tri-State Area" in their name (e.g. Tri-State Area Public Library, Tri-State Bombers, etc.).

Location Details[]


Tri-State Area on a map

Although the name "Tri-State Arеa" implies it encompasses actual states like Nevada, Utah, and Colorado, the scale model is for a geographical area of less than one square mile.

While describing one of his evil schemes, Doofenshmirtz used a magnifying glass in front of a map of the United States to reveal the Tri-State Area's location. The magnifying glass was positioned near the Denver, Colorado area, which is within driving distance of Mount Rushmore ("Flop Starz", "Candace Loses Her Head")

The Tri-State Area was founded by John P. Tristate, who united the Bi-State Area with an adjacent area right over there founded by Otto H. Adjacent. Tri-State Area Unification Day is celebrated on July 15. ("Hip Hip Parade")

Background Information[]

  • Series creator Dan Povenmire has stated that Danville is not in any specific geographical location. The surrounding region changes to fit the needs of the story, leading to Danville and the Tri-State Area being near both Mount Rushmore and the Atlantic ocean at the same time. See the "Background Information" section of Danville for more details.

See Also[]