Phineas en Ferb Wiki
Phineas en Ferb Cliptastische Top Tien
Cliptastic Countdown logo
Het Engelse logo voor deze special
Disney Channel NL Première May 24, 2010
Disney XD NL Première March 28, 2010
Deelnemer(s) Phineas and Ferb universum: Danville burger.
Echte wereld: Phineas and Ferb fans over de hele wereld.
Beschrijving *Uit de Phineas and Ferb Cliptastic Marathon reclame* - "Ze hebben hun beste liedjes achter elkaar gezet.."..Het dak gaat eraf, want tijdens de Phineas en Ferb Cliptastic Marathon kun je genieten van de 18 coolste Phineas and Ferb clips."


Stembare liedjes[]

  • Gitchee Gitchee Bow
  • Ik krijg je
  • Kleine broertjes
  • Strandtuinfeest
  • Ik heb geen ritme
  • Truck rijdend beest
  • Ik hou van je mam
  • Hij is een pestkop
  • Mijn fijne vijand
  • Mijn eigen mummie en ik
  • Die goeie slechte tijd
  • Doe niks meer dag
  • Eekhoorn in mijn broek
  • Koningin van Mars
  • Mijn broer dat grote loeder
  • S.U.P.E.R. F.O.U.T.
  • Phinedroids en Ferbots
  • Ketens Om
  • Doe mee met de Betty's
  • Perry het Vogelbekdier


  • Doe mee met de Betty's
  • Koningin van Mars
  • Ik heb geen ritme
  • Ik hou van jou mam
  • S.U.P.E.R. F.O.U.T.
  • Eekhoorns in mijn broek
  • Kleine broertjes
  • Ik krijg je
  • Strandtuinfeest
  • Gitchee Gitchee Bow


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The image gallery for this episode may be viewed here.

Terugkomende Onderdelen[]

De "Te Jong" Regel[]


Ferb's Zin[]

Phineas: Hey, waar is Perry?
Ferb: Hij heeft vandaag een gastoptreden bij een videoclipshow.

Phineas: Hmm... Nou, leuk voor hem.

Wat doe je?[]

Major Monogram: Zeg Doofenshmirtz, wat ben je toch allemaal aan het doen?

Heinz Doofenshmirtz: YJouw val.
Er valt opeens een kooi en vangt Majoor Monogram.

Perry's entrance to his lair[]

Perry enters the stage through a screen. Perry later bursts through a wall segment.

Memorable Quotes[]

Heinz Doofenshmirtz: Hold on, I gotta go back a bit— your name is Francis?
Major Monogram: Yes, spelled with an I.
Heinz Doofenshmirtz: Spelled with an I? Wouldn't that be Frincis?
Major Monogram: No, it's F-R-A-N-C-I-S. It's the masculine spelling.
Heinz Doofenshmirtz: Fran, Franny... yes, very macho.
Major Monogram: See, this is why I just go by Major!

Heinz Doofenshmirtz: When I was a boy, my parents would never let me watch music videos.

Needle scratching
Major Monogram: No, no! We don't have time for an emotionally scarring back story.
Heinz Doofenshmirtz: Well maybe I should give you an emotionally scarring FRONT story!
Heinz walks out of scene.
Major Monogram: Okay, that didn't make any sense.
Zooms out to show Heinz in a monster truck.
Heinz Doofenshmirtz: It doesn't have to, I have a monster truck!
Shouts in joy and rides off.
Major Monogram: Video number—
Is cut off by Heinz, who zooms by with monster truck.
Heinz Doofenshmirtz: Number 7!
Heinz rides off.

Major Monogram: (wincing in pain) That was my foot.

Heinz Doofenshmirtz: Wait, you're getting paid for this! I have to do this for community service! I gotta do like, 200 hours!

Major Monogram: This show is only half an hour long.

Heinz Doofenshmirtz: I have to do this 400 times?

Heinz Doofenshmirtz: Don't go away, folks. When we come back we'll have the FINAL FOUR!

Pauses and holds up three fingers. Realizes his mistake and holds up four. Crowd laughs.
Heinz Doofenshmirtz: Plus a special music video that will ENSLAVE THE TRI-STATE AREA! I mean... engrave my... pie plate carrier.
Pauses. Picks up pie plate carrier. Crowd laughs.

Heinz Doofenshmirtz: Look, it's silver! It was a wedding gift. I got it in the divorce! That's right ladies, I'm available!

Major Monogram: Say good night, Doofenshmirtz!

Heinz Doofenshmirtz: You know, some day I will get out of this cage but your name will still be Francis.

Background Information[]

  • All of the songs choices are on the Phineas and Ferb Soundtrack, and as such also premiered on the 2009 Radio Disney premiere almost a month prior.
  • The logo being used is a modified version of the logo used for the Spot the Diff and Phineas and Ferb's Memorial Day Marathon.
  • The week leading up to the premiere has been titled "Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown Week". The episodes broadcast during this time will be the ones featuring the songs being voted on.
  • The introduction reveals Major Monogram's first name: Francis.
  • Candace appeares in the videos of all the top 10 songs except for I Ain't Got Rhythm. Her voice appears in eight of the ten; all except I Ain't Got Rhythm and Little Brothers.
  • Isabella's outfit keeps switching from her normal outfit to her Fireside Girls uniform during the Gitchee Gitchee Goo extended video. This is probably due to the fact that parts of the old video for the song was re-used in this extended version. Also, the background changes from "Phineas and the Ferb-Tones Reunion Concert" to "PFT".
  • When Doofenshmirtz holds up his hand to indicate the "final four", his hand is initially up with all of his fingers but his thumb. When he looks at his hand, he realizes that he's only holding up three fingers, so he adds his thumb. This is lampshading the fact that characters in this show only have three fingers and a thumb on each hand.
  • Perry isn't in any of the clips (not including Gitchee Gitchee Goo)
  • This is the longest Monogram and Doofenshmirtz have been on screen.
  • For the Disney Channel US premiere, subtitles were shown so that the audience could sing along. This was also done during the voting period, with each song choice being shown as a separate commercial. For the Disney XD US premiere, no subtitles were displayed. A later rebroadcast on Disney Channel US did not include subtitles.
  • It is likely that the creators knew that Gitchee Gitchee Goo would win (or were expecting it would), since its position as the winning song is semi-crucial to the episode's plot. It is also possible that the writers were planning for or expecting Truck Drivin' Girl and/or the Perry the Platypus Theme to be in the top 10, since these songs were remotely referenced by the characters. It should be noted, however, that outside of Monogram singing along with Gitchi Gitchi Goo, none of the songs are referenced directly during the non-clip scenes. This was most likley the result of the creators animating these sequences first then spciling the music videos in later, and for the dubbing in forgien countries to be compatible with any outcome.
  • Goof: For the premiere with subtitles, the song that won eighth place, Ain't Got Rhythm, has a spelling mistake: The first "you're" in Phineas's subtitle "You're kidding me, right? You're—you're kidding me!" is misspelt as "your", making it "Your kidding me, right? You're—you're kidding me!"
  • Goof: In Gitchee Gitchee Goo, after Dr. Doofenshmirtz says " "No! Not the number 1 voted Phineas and Ferb song! New extended version, never before seen... NOT THAT!", The Ferbetts are in this order: (from left to right) Adyson, Gretchen, Milly, Isabella. However, after that, they are in reversed order.


  • This is the second instance of Major Monogram and Dr. Doofenshmirtz working together in some fashion. The first was during the 2009 Radio Disney premiere to promote the release of the Soundtrack.
  • Doofenshmirtz says "I don't have to! I've got a monster truck!" when making no sense like Buck Buckerson from "It's a Mud, Mud, Mud, Mud World".
  • Irving makes a brief cameo in the in-between segments.
  • Doofenshmirtz tells Monogram that he can't pull off the street lingo, a running gag in "At the Car Wash".


  • The introduction at the start of the show is similar to variety shows in the 70's and 80's.
  • Agent M on a typewriter refers to a famous expression, "A thousand monkeys typing on a thousand typewriters will eventually create Shakespeare."
  • "Say goodnight, Doofenshmirtz" is a tribute to George Burns and Gracie Allie's classic sign-off.
  • Times Square: The background in the beginning resembles Times Square in New York City.


External links[]

As of November 15, 2009, the Disney Channel US countdown site has been forwarded into the main Phineas and Ferb site, but the Disney XD countdown site is still active.

Vorige geproduceerde aflevering:
"Swiss Family Phineas"
"Phineas en Ferb Cliptastische Top Tien" Volgende geproduceerde aflevering:
"Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo"
Vorige uitgezonden aflevering:
"Phineas and Ferb's Quantum Boogaloo"
Volgende uitgezonden aflevering:
"Bubble Boys"