This site's naming convention policy.
General Rules[]
- Never start an article name with "a," "an," or "the" unless it is part of a title of an episode, song, or other media.
- Consider how it will be linked to in an article.
Articles for subjects without names[]
If you want to write an article about something that doesn't have a name, consider the following:
- Is the subject large enough to constitute its own article? If a subject doesn't have a name, do we really know enough about it for it to have its own article?
- Would it be better off in an article about a more general subject? Oftentimes an unnamed character or location can be used to enhance an article that already exists.
Which is more important?[]
- Episode or Song? Answer: Episode. When an episode and a song have the same name, it is better to refer to the episode by it's name, and then the song's name with "song" in parenthesis at the end. For example: Hail Doofania! and Hail Doofania! (song).
- Character or Song? Answer: Character. As the character likely came before the song, it is better to name the song with "(song)" at the end. For example: Perry the Platypus and Perry the Platypus (song).
- For unspecific things, such as "Fletcher family," the first word should be capitalized, while the succeeding ones are lower case.
- For specific things, such as Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated or Phineas Flynn because they are proper nouns.
When creating titles, please punctuate correctly. For example, "And" is always better than "&," unless that is the correct name from a media.
Naming Templates[]
- For infoboxes: It is best to put infobox before the template title. For example, Template:Infobox character is preferred more than Template:Character infobox. This is done in order to organize categories alphabetically, keeping similar items together.
- For others: Please title templates with appropriate names. Try to keep it simple, perhaps using an abbreviation. For example, Template:PFT is better than Template:Phineas and the Ferb Tones. Think about which one you would rather type in when you want to use the template.