Phineas en Ferb Wiki
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This page is an official policy on the Phineas and Ferb Wiki.

It has wide acceptance among editors and is considered a standard that everyone should follow. Except for minor edits, please make use of the discussion page to propose changes to this policy.


This site's naming convention policy.


General Rules[]

  1. Never start an article name with "a," "an," or "the" unless it is part of a title of an episode, song, or other media.
  2. Consider how it will be linked to in an article.

Articles for subjects without names[]

If you want to write an article about something that doesn't have a name, consider the following:

  • Is the subject large enough to constitute its own article? If a subject doesn't have a name, do we really know enough about it for it to have its own article?
  • Would it be better off in an article about a more general subject? Oftentimes an unnamed character or location can be used to enhance an article that already exists.

Which is more important?[]

  • Episode or Song? Answer: Episode. When an episode and a song have the same name, it is better to refer to the episode by it's name, and then the song's name with "song" in parenthesis at the end. For example: Hail Doofania! and Hail Doofania! (song).


  • For unspecific things, such as "Fletcher family," the first word should be capitalized, while the succeeding ones are lower case.


When creating titles, please punctuate correctly. For example, "And" is always better than "&," unless that is the correct name from a media.

Naming Templates[]

  • For infoboxes: It is best to put infobox before the template title. For example, Template:Infobox character is preferred more than Template:Character infobox. This is done in order to organize categories alphabetically, keeping similar items together.
  • For others: Please title templates with appropriate names. Try to keep it simple, perhaps using an abbreviation. For example, Template:PFT is better than Template:Phineas and the Ferb Tones. Think about which one you would rather type in when you want to use the template.