Phineas en Ferb Wiki
What an unexpected surprise Wat een onverwachte verrassing...

Dit artikel bevat informatie over nog niet/onlangs uitgezonden aflevering(en) en/of project(en). Het kan SPOILERS bevatten. Verder lezen is op eigen risico.

So, Ferb, what should we do tommorow Nou Ferb, wat zullen we morgen doen?

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[[File:No Image Available|200px]]
Seizoen: [[Seizoen 3|3]]
Productie code:
Uitzend nummer:
Uitzend informatie
Disney Channel NL Première:
Disney XD NL Première:
Internationale Première:

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Episode Summary[]



Click here to view more images from this episode.
The image gallery for this episode may be viewed here.

Running Gags[]

The "Too Young" Line[]

Example: This is an example of the too young line.
None: If no too young line appears, please replace this with, None.

Ferb's Line[]

If there needs to be an explanation explaining anyting during Ferb's Line, use these subs.
Example: If it calls for someone to speak as well as Ferb, use this.
Ferb: Please be sure Ferb's name is bolded, and anyone else speaking's name is italicized.

Ferb: If Ferb has multiple lines, please be sure to use a seperate dialogue box.
If there needs to be an explanation explaining anyting during Ferb's Line, use these subs.
Example: If it calls for someone to speak as well as Ferb, use this.

Whatcha doin'?[]

Example: This is an example of the whatcha doin' line.
None: If no whatcha doin' line appears, please replace this with, None.

Perry's entrance to his lair[]


Memorable Quotes[]

Example: Please place the memorable quotes here
If there needs to be an explanation explaining anyting during Ferb's Line, use these subs.
Name: This is an example of a memorable quote.

Example: For multiple memorable quotes please use multiple dialogue boxes
Name: This is an example of a memorable quote.
If there needs to be an explanation explaining anyting during Ferb's Line, use these subs.

Example: One lined memorable quotes also use the dialogue template.

Background Information[]




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"Newpagelayout" Volgende geproduceerde aflevering:
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