Phineas en Ferb Wiki
Geslacht: Female
Leeftijd The same as Isabella
Nationaliteit American
Thuisstad Danville
Verdere informatie
Affiliations Fireside Girls Troop 46231
Vrienden en familie
Troop Leader Isabella Garcia-Shapiro
Achter de schermen
Eerste verschijning "Rollercoaster"
Stem door Isabella Acres

"Excuse me, Phineas. Can I get you to sign some liability waivers?"

Katie is a blonde-haired, green eyed, light-skinned member of the Fireside Girls. She wears a uniform with a red collar.

In "S'Winter", she along with Ginger, Milly, and Holly help Phineas and Ferb create S'winter. She helps build the time machine with the rest of the troop in "In It's About Time!" (the second time when the Fireside Girls are saving Phineas, Ferb, and Candace). She and Holly participated in the Chariot Race with Isabella in "Greece Lightning."

Katie interrupted by asking Phineas to sign some liability wavers just when Isabella was about to ask Phineas to the dance in "Out to Launch". In "At the Car Wash", she somehow got injured as a result of the Fireside Girls' attempt at running a lemonade stand.

Background information[]


Team Phineas
Katie is a member of the Fireside Girls.