"Excuse me, Phineas. Can I get you to sign some liability waivers?" |
Katie is a blonde-haired, green eyed, light-skinned member of the Fireside Girls. She wears a uniform with a red collar.
In "S'Winter", she along with Ginger, Milly, and Holly help Phineas and Ferb create S'winter. She helps build the time machine with the rest of the troop in "In It's About Time!" (the second time when the Fireside Girls are saving Phineas, Ferb, and Candace). She and Holly participated in the Chariot Race with Isabella in "Greece Lightning."
Katie interrupted by asking Phineas to sign some liability wavers just when Isabella was about to ask Phineas to the dance in "Out to Launch". In "At the Car Wash", she somehow got injured as a result of the Fireside Girls' attempt at running a lemonade stand.
Background information[]
- She and Gretchen are the only Fireside Girls who appear in the Phineas and Ferb Nintendo DS game.
- She and Ginger appeared at the opening of Phineas and Ferb's roller coaster.
- Her name was revealed in "Isabella and the Temple of Sap"
- She's has been seen selling cupcakes with Gretchen or Milly to Heinz Doofenshmirtz.
- Her first speaking role was interrupting Isabella in Out to Launch as Isabella was about to ask Phineas to the dance.
p - b - oBurgers van Danville | |
Jongeren | |
Phineas Flynn | Ferb Fletcher | Isabella Garcia-Shapiro | Buford Van Stomm | Baljeet | Candace Flynn | Vanessa Doofenshmirtz | Django Brown | Gretchen | Holly | Katie | Milly | Ginger | Adyson Zoetwater | Jeremy Johnson | Suzy Johnson | Stacy Hirano | Jenny | Mindy | Wendy | Coltrane | Irving | Carl | Johnny | |
Volwassenen | |
Linda Flynn | Lawrence Fletcher | Heinz Doofenshmirtz | Charlene Doofenshmirtz | Mrs. Johnson | Danny, Swampy, en Bobbi Fabulous (Love Händel) | Dr. Hirano | Vivian Garcia-Shapiro | Beppo Brown | Major Monogram | J.B. | Roger Doofenshmirtz | P. P. Otter | Ben Baxter | Clyde Flynn | Betty Jo Flynn | |
Dieren | |
Perry het Vogelbekdier | Pinky de Chihuahua | Suzy's naamloze poedel | Biff | Herman het Egeltje | Agent C | Agent D | Agent W | Agent C | Bucky | Goldie (leeft in de oceaan) | Sterneus Mol | Steve | |
p - b - oKampvuurmeisjes |
Troep 46231 |
Isabella | Gretchen | Holly | Katie | Milly | Ginger | Adyson | Candace Flynn | Onbekende blondine | Onbekende brunette |
Achtergrond en geschiedenis |
Stichtster | Lied | Behaalde badges |