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Heinz Doofenshmirtz's mother
Mrs. Doofenshmirtz hugging her "favorite son" Roger while a distressed Heinz watches.
Geslacht: Female
Leeftijd Unknown
Nationaliteit Druelselsteinien
Thuisstad Gimelschtump
Verdere informatie
Profession Housewife
Achter de schermen
Eerste verschijning Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror
Stem door Cloris Leachman

Heinz Doofenshmirtz's mother is the mother of Heinz and Roger. She has only been seen a few times in non-speaking flashbacks and once later, at the Doofenshmirtz Family Reunion, where she spoke once. Other than this, little is known about her.

Doofenshmirtz's mother still appears to be alive, though her husband doesn't. ("Thaddeus and Thor")

Early life[]

Unknown, probably she was born in Gimmelschtump, Druelselstein.

Past and Present life[]

She was expecting her second child to be a daughter and made dresses for several months in preparation for this, but the child turned out to be a boy (Roger). She made Heinz wear the clothes for a year because she had run out of material. ("Gaming the System")

Her "love was always inexplicably linked to kickball," and Rodger was an expert from the start, therefore earned her love. Heinz, however, did not share the "feet coordination". Instead, he was very coordinated with his hands. His mother did not care whatsoever and Heinz did not get to enjoy his mother's love. ("Thaddeus and Thor")

According to Heinz, Roger is her favorite of her two children. ("Tree to Get Ready")

She never let Heinz swim in public pools. ("De Plane! De Plane!") It is unknown how she gave birth to Heinz Doofenshmirtz if she wasn't there on the day of his birth.
