Phineas en Ferb Wiki
Phineas and Ferb along with their friends racing chariot throughout Danville
Seizoen: [[Seizoen 1|1]]
Productie code: 117A
Uitzend nummer: 25
Geschreven door:
Martin Olson
Bobby Gaylor
Script door:
Alex Amaguer
Chris Headrick
Uitzend informatie
Disney Channel NL Première:
April 19, 2008
Disney XD NL Première:
moet nog aangekondigd worden
Internationale Première:
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Uitgezonden met
"Leave the Busting to Us!"

Phineas and Ferb have a chariot race with Buford and Baljeet, Isabella and the Fireside Girls, and Candace. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz creates Norm, a robotic man designed to destroy Platypuses like Perry.

Episode Summary[]

Bestand:Paul Bunyans Pancake Haus.jpg

Paul Bunyan's, where the food is good. ("But not too good, eh?")

Phineas, Ferb and Candace are at the museum with Lawrence, learning about Greek history. He tells the kids about Asparagus, the greatest warrior in all of Greece. He used his golden chariot to win every race and turned the Minotaur to stone with the head of Medusa. After Phineas jokes about how Medusa reminds him of Candace, he decides to start a chariot race in Danville. In that same museum, Perry sneaks away and encounters Major Monogram hiding in one of the statues. He tells Perry that Dr. Doofenshmirtz built a machine to rid the world of platypuses and that he's hiding out at an abandoned theater.

Back at home, Phineas and Ferb plan the route for the chariot race. It'll start at home, through the streets of Danville and over to the park. They'll then pass by Paul Bunyan's pancake house, and finish at the museum. Lawrence tells the boys he's going to watch 12 hours of gladiator movies, and when Isabella shows up, Phineas tells her to spread word of the chariot race they're about to have and bring gladiator gear for the occasion. Perry goes to the abandoned theater and gets captured as usual. Doofenshmirtz then shows them a film about the enemies of the Platypus, the biggest enemy being humans. So for that reason, he built a giant robot man named Norm to take out Perry. Perry escapes, but Norm gives chase.

Meanwhile, the chariot race is about to start. The chariots will be pulled by rocking horses Ferb installed with a lawnmower engine. The first team is Phineas and Ferb. Isabella and two of her Fireside Girls, Katie and Holly, are the second team. Buford and Baljeet are the third team. They made another chariot for Candace in case she wants to show up. After handing out the the maps, Baljeet wants to know the rules, but Buford tells him there's no rules in a chariot race. Candace sees the race is ready to begin and tries to tell her dad, but he's too busy watching Gladiator movies to notice. Django starts the race, and Candace decides to stop it herself. But the helmet that was placed on the doorway falls onto her, and she accidentally knocks over the columns and starts her own chariot.

Buford tries some underhanded tactics, ramming into the other racers with spiked wheels, a bowling ball catapult which knocks away Candace's cell phone when she tries to call her mom, and even holding Baljeet and using the helmet on his head to cause sparks to fly due to it scraping the streets at high speed. Isabella and her Fireside Girls retaliate by throwing a rope at a lamppost and attaching a hook to Buford's chariot, forcing him to cut himself free with Baljeet. They go through the park with Buford chopping the trees down and the chariots split up a three way road. Perry, still being chased by Norm, heads to Paul Bunyan's and causes the robot to run into the Babe statue. The ox's head falls onto Norm's. When he sees Phineas and Ferb's chariot, he goes into pet mode where the boys pick him up.

Norm still chases him though, and the boys mistake him for the Minotaur. Candace's chariot goes through a car wash and a fish market and soon all the racers are back on the same road heading towards the museum. Candace takes the lead and eventually wins the race, while Phineas and Ferb are cheered on for an exciting downtown chariot race. Candace is still determined to bust the boys when Norm appears and walks towards the platypus statue. Candace tells him off, and around the same time Perry lowers himself and turns off the robot. Everyone thinks that Candace turned the robot into stone, causing everyone to panic. Doofenshmirtz comes in and turns the robot back on, but Perry puts a platypus cap on his head, causing Norm to chase him. The boys thank Candace for defeating the Minotaur, but Candace refuses to believe she has the power to do that until she accidentally walks into stone statues, making her panic. Phineas sees Perry and tells Ferb he can look now, but he's not taking any chances as he keeps his hands over his eyes.



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Running Gags[]

The "Too Young" Line[]


Ferb's Line[]

Candace is thought to be able to turn everyone who sees her to stone and runs off screaming.

Phineas: Okay Ferb, she's gone you can look now.
Ferb: No, not taking any chances.
Phineas: Hey look, there's Perry.

Ferb: Still not looking.

Whatcha doin'?[]

Lawrence: Hey boys, whatcha doin'?
Phineas: Just mapping out our route for the big chariot race we're gonna have.

Perry's entrance to his lair[]

Perry does not enter his lair. Instead, Major Monogram shows up in the museum inside of a replica of the Discobolos statue. It's a replica because the original doesn't have any clothes on and the version in this museum has a skirt.

Evil Jingle[]

Doofenshmirtz Abandoned Theater!

Memorable Quotes[]

Candace: I can't believe you dragged me all the way over here for this! Well, at least there's hunky guys in skirts.

Lawrence: Guys come and look at this! This is an actual replica of an artist's interpretation of what some random guy of no significance believed that the chariot of Asparagus might have looked like.

Major Monogram: (disguised as Discobolos) ...And don't look up my skirt!

Announcer 1: Paul Bunyan's, where the food is good.
Announcer 2: But not too good, eh?

Phineas: ...spread the word! Spread the word!

Isabella: Wait! At what time?
Phineas: In about an hour or so.
Isabella: Where's it gonna be?
Phineas: Here!
Isabella: Who am I telling again?

Phineas: Just spread the word! Oh, and tell them to bring gladiator gear.

Doofenshmirtz: You see, until now, every attempt to eradicate you has been foiled! Then I came across some— (hears a slurping noise) Excuse me, who are you, and what are you doing here?

Random Boy: I bought a ticket to see this movie.

Doofenshmirtz: Ugh. Okay, just roll the film.

Random Boy: This is the best platypus movie I have ever seen.

Narrator: ...the greatest enemy of the platypus is man.
Norm: Hi there!

Buford: This is a chariot race, there are no rules.
Isabella: No rules?! Well, if those are the rules...

Buford: Hey you! You're goin' down!

Baljeet: But we're on the same team!

Buford: Then you're goin' down with me.

Phineas: Remind me, why did we put spikes on Buford's chariot again? And a bowling ball catapult? I mean, what were we thinking? Why'd we give them all the cool stuff? What do we have?
Ferb presses a button; cup holders pop out
Cup holders?! Sweet! Now we're cooking.

Baljeet: That is right! Eat sparks, my opponents!

Phineas: It's half-man, half-bull! It's the Minotaur!

Norm: My name is Norm.

Phineas: It's Norm the Minotaur!

Phineas: We built you your own chariot that looks just like you!
Candace: (standing next to chariot with an ugly face carved into it) Oh, that is ridiculous; I do not have wheels!

Background Information[]

  • 29th episode produced. 25th episode aired, first broadcast on April 19, 2008.


  • When Norm says "Let's invite our wives next time", the muzzle on the ox head is gray.
  • Ironically, Gladiators were Roman, not Greek. Ferb said this in the next episode ("Leave the Busting to Us"), correcting the error.
  • When Isabella walks up to see what the boys are doing, she greets their dad with, "Nice hat, Mr. Flynn." Lawrence is a Fletcher, not a Flynn (However Isabella might not have known that he is Phineas' Step-Dad).


  • This is the second episode that they went to the Museum. First was ("It's About Time!")
  • When Perry enters Doofenshrmitz's Evil Abandoned Theater, the elevator music version of Gitchee, Gitchee, Goo can be heard.
  • As Norm chases Heinz Doofenshmirtz he says, "Secretly, I'm very lonely." This was also said by Bobbi Fabulous' hand when he told Phineas and Ferb to talk to the hand. ("Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together")
  • After the race, while in the museum, the kids chant, "Phin-e-as and Ferb! Phin-e-as and Ferb!", just like they did in ("Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror").
  • When the "Greek" letters on the Chariot of Asparagus replica are read backwards, they say "Chariot of Asparagus."
  • Linda is only mentioned in this episode.
  • This is the second episode Linda is absent in. (the first being "Are You My Mummy?").
  • Doofenshmirtz brings up the tennis ball machine he used once. ("Ready for the Bettys")


  • Grease: The title is derived from the song "Greased Lightning" from the classic movie and musical "Grease". The spikes on Buford's chariot wheel may also be derived from the race scene of this movie.
  • Hercules: Some of the figures on a vase in the museum at the episode's beginning resemble the muses from the Walt Disney animated movie "Hercules".
  • Vegetable: The Gladiator Asparagus, is also the name of a vegetable.
  • Roger Ebert's Little Movie Glossary: Candace hits a Fruit Cart, as referenced in Ebert's Glossary.
  • Ben Hur: The spikes on Buford's chariot wheel may be derived from the movie "Ben Hur"


designates a character that did not appear in this episode

Vorige geproduceerde aflevering:
"Phineas and Ferb Get Busted"
"Greece Lightning" Volgende geproduceerde aflevering:
"Leave the Busting to Us!"
Vorige uitgezonden aflevering:
"The Ballad of Badbeard"
Volgende uitgezonden aflevering:
"Leave the Busting to Us!"