Phineas en Ferb Wiki
Dr. Hirano
Dr. Hirano with her daughter Stacy
Geslacht: Female
Nationaliteit Japanese-American
Verdere informatie
Profession Doctor
Vrienden en familie
Kinderen Stacy Hirano
Achter de schermen
Eerste verschijning I Scream, You Scream
Stem door Ming Wen

Dr. Hirano is Stacy's mother. She removed Isabella's tonsils. ("I Scream, You Scream") Dr. Hirano was first mentioned (and spoken of) when Stacy decided to tell Candace that she was getting her ears pierced.


Stacy Hirano[]

Dr. Hirano is Stacy's mother. Throughout the series, the two are not often seen together, exceptions being "Does This Duckbill Make Me Look Fat?" and "Robot Rodeo". In "Dude, We're Getting the Band Back Together", they are only seen chatting on the phone.

Candace Flynn[]

In "Robot Rodeo", it is revealed that Dr. Hirano thinks Candace is flighty and unfocused because she rather bust her brothers than doing what she and Stacy are doing.

Linda Flynn[]

Dr. Hirano seems to be friends with Linda, but they only appeared together once. Before Candace and Stacy got in the house, they were talking about that Dr. Hirano's mom never lets her go to a concert when she was a kid. ("Robot Rodeo")
