Phineas en Ferb Wiki
Promotional artwork for the episode showing Phineas, Ferb, Candace, Jeremy and Perry outside Stacy's house while Candace looks confused.
Seizoen: [[Seizoen 1|1]]
Productie code: 119A
Uitzend nummer: 29
Geschreven door:
Martin Olson
Geschreven & script door:
Aliki Theofilopoulos
Marc Crisafulli
Uitzend informatie
Disney Channel NL Première:
June 7, 2008
Disney XD NL Première:
June 7, 2009
Internationale Première:

Zie meer...
Jetix Première:
June 24, 2008
Uitgezonden met
"Voyage to the Bottom of Buford"

Phineas and Ferb go in search of a caveman while Candace attends Stacy's costume party. Meanwhile, Dr. Doofenshmirtz wants to get rid of sandwich costumes.

Episode Summary[]

Phineas and Ferb are watching an interesting program on their television called "Cavemen" causing them to eventually decide to find a caveman in the Danville Glacier while Candace is upstairs trying to find something to wear for Stacy's costume party. Candace gets a call from Jeremy and he says he is going as a caveman which causes Candace to go as a cavewoman. As Phineas and Ferb gather supplies for caveman hunting, their parents leave for the Historically Relevant Botanical Gardens and Perry heads to his lair. Stacy asks Candace to make a sandwich platter and goes off to do that while Phineas and Ferb head to the Danville Glacier.

Agent P uses a card to pick the lock of Dr. Doofenshmirtz's door and ends up getting stuck in one of his traps while Dr. Doofenshmirtz rants about his scheme to rid the Tri-State Area of one of his biggest pet peeves, people who dress as sandwiches to advertise restaurants.

Phineas and Ferb are shown bringing home their newly found caveman, Conk.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz flies off in his new invention and Agent P breaks free and flies off after him.

Bestand:That's not Jeremy.png

Candace in Conk's arms.

Conk's hunger forces Phineas and Ferb to go wrangle up some snacks for him but while they are gone he notices Candace with her platter of sandwiches and runs off after her. Candace sees him and thinks he is Jeremy. She introduces him as Jeremy at the party so everyone believes the same. Candace then gets a call from Jeremy and realizes that this caveman is in fact not Jeremy. She calls her parents about it while being carried by Conk and her parents of course don't believe her.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz is out using his invention to remove the sandwich costumes but Perry comes along to stop him, while Phineas and Ferb find Conk and take him away from the party. Perry knocks the half-eaten sandwich suit out of the mouth of Dr. Doofenshmirtz's Sandwich Suit Remove-inator, as well as Dr. Doofenshmirtz as Phineas and Ferb feed Conk sandwiches. Dr. Doofenshmirtz then crashes the Remove-inator into the Danville Glacier and parachutes away. He emerges from bushes in the sandwich suit. Conk is still hungry and begins charging the giant sandwich.



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The image gallery for this episode may be viewed here.

Running Gags[]

The "Too Young" Line[]


Ferb's Line[]

Phineas: Well I guess we can't compete with a sandwich like that. They say if you love something, let it go.

Ferb: Especially if it's a caveman.

Phineas: Yeah, especially if it's a caveman

Whatcha doin'?[]


Perry's entrance to his lair[]

Perry scuttles up a storm drain and pops out in mid-dressing of a magpie costume, then walks onto a power line scaring off some magpies, and hops into an emergency phone on the phone line pole, ending up falling from the ceiling of his lair landing into his chair.

I know what we're going to do today![]

Phineas: (after watching an ad for Sandwich Town) That's it! Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!

(scene flips to them eating sandwiches)

Phineas: Hey, Ferb, you know what else we should do today?

Memorable Quotes[]

Announcer: It's also believed that they had a highly advanced language. For example: (runs around shrieking and hooting) is how they may have said 'I love you' or 'Please take out the trash'.

Major Monogram (to Perry): And... could you do it dressed as a bunny? A big, pink, bunny?

Candace: Jeremy eats roast beef on Phinidays and Saturferbs... PHINEAS AND FERB, YOU'RE LUSTIN' FOR A BUSTIN!

Doofenshmirtz: For some reason, I don't mind the taco guy so much, look at his cute little hat!

Dr. Doofenshmirtz: Oh, I've become my mother!

Phineas: This'll be fantastic - think of all the practical applications a caveman can have in the modern world!

Actually, you know, besides politics, I can't think of anything.

Just wait until he sees what we did with the wheel! And fire! And shiny objects!

Candace: (referring to sandwiches) Well, I'm sure I can spare one. I know how men are about their meat. 'ARGH! ME MANLY MAN! ME LIKE MEAT!'

Candace: And, if you even think about trying something funny today, you're gonna get it.

Phineas: Get what?
Candace: IT! (walks away)

Phineas: Well, if 'it' is another sandwich, I'll take it now, please!

Phineas: Good news! We got a plethora of sandwiches for you!

Robot Costume: Whoa, Jeremy, dude! Sweet costume, bro! (Conk punches him out) Okay, you're not my bro!

Stacy: Who was that?

Candace: J-j-juh—

Stacy: I don't know a J-j-juh.

Phineas: (after watching an ad for Sandwich Town) That's it! Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!

(scene flips to them eating sandwiches)

Phineas: Hey, Ferb, you know what else we should do today?

Background Information[]

  • 33rd episode produced. 29th episode aired, first broadcast on June 7, 2008.
  • Isabella, Baljeet, and Buford don't appear in the episode.
  • The episode is called Boyfriend From 27,000 B.C. but Phineas comments on how Conk hadn't eaten in 28,000 years. (Technically, it has been 29,000 years since Conk was frozen.)
  • The host from Super American Pop Teen Idol Star is seen on the show that Phineas and Ferb were watching in the beggining of the episode.




designates a character that did not appear in this episode

Vorige geproduceerde aflevering:
"The Best Lazy Day Ever"
"Boyfriend From 27,000 B.C." Volgende geproduceerde aflevering:
"Voyage to the Bottom of Buford"
Vorige uitgezonden aflevering:
"The Best Lazy Day Ever"
Volgende uitgezonden aflevering:
"Voyage to the Bottom of Buford"