How do I edit episodes page?
Some page have headlines "あらすじ" and "エピソードの概要". But these are same mean.
I transpose headlines of ep.2 (English. page)
1.Episode Summary あらすじ
2.Transcript 字幕(or セリフ?)
3.Songs (歌 or Songs)
4.End Credits (エンディングロール)
5.Gallery (ギャラリー)
6.Running Gags (お決まりのセリフ)
7.Memorable Quotes (きっかけのセリフ)
8.Background Information (裏話)
9.Production Information (放送情報)
10.Errors (作画ミス)
11.Continuity (関連)
12.Allusions (暗示)
13.Trivia (トリビア)
14.Cast (キャスト)
15.References (参照)
I think it is too hard to transpose all page.Some of headline is not important. I want to know background information or Trivia, but Production Information or transcript is not so much. Anyway I want template of episode page.